Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Never Fail

Just when I think I don't have anything to blog about, my coworkers never fail.

Turns out, some people on second shift were running what amounts to a lunch counter in their work area.  They'd set up some Fry Daddy fryers and were cooking fish and hush puppies in the plant.  Apparently, they were making up fish plates and selling them.   According to plant scuttlebutt, at least two of them got fired -- maybe more.  I'll keep you apprised if I find out any more.

At least they weren't trying to make babies.  Yes, that has happened, too.

If that didn't brighten my day enough, I came home to watch last night's Lone Star Law, which I'd DVRed, and my favorite game warden was on it!  That would be Morgan Inman.

Kind of makes me want to go to Jasper county and fish without a license until he catches me.

But I wouldn't really do that.  It's against the law, you know.  And not good for the future of the sport.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Whelp, that's about it for today.  Really, my life has become very, very dull.  It's the busy season at work, so all I do is work.  I get up in the middle of the night, work, come home and go to bed, only to do it all over again the next day.  Oh, but while I was at work today, I came up with the opening to my autobiography, if I ever get it written.  That opening (subject to editing) is as follows:

I knew what kind of life I was going to live when I was about 4 years old.  I woke up in the middle of the night, needing to answer nature's call.  In my sleep addled state, I walked straight past the bathroom, and into the kitchen, and sat down in the garbage can.  

That's a true story, by the way.  The title of the book will be Imaginary Husbands Don't Cut Real Grass.  Watch for it.  It'll be a best seller.


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