Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Day Two

Last night was another one of those nights.  I spent most of it tossing and turning, with a few short naps in between.  It was during one of those naps that I dreamed about Port Isaac's Fisherman's Friends, and my stalker.

The best of one world, and the worst of another.  In the same dream.  In my head.

There was also some severe weather.  Or an alligator.  Or something. 

Then I woke up in a blind panic because I couldn't find my alto recorder.  I found my two soprano recorders,

but couldn't find my alto.  Not sure what that says about me, but there it is.  I've long since given up trying to find an explanation for such things.

Then I had to go to work, on very little sleep.  About half an hour into my shift, my coworker says, "Two days without your stalker?"  To which I replied, "SHHHHHHH!!!! You'll jinx it!"  But she didn't.  I had a second day of peace.  We all did.

Other than it being hot in the plant.  I'm so not ready for this.

This is going to be short, because I'm tired and my brain isn't functioning.  I'm about to head into the bath, then hit the hay.

Hay!  Get it?  Hay?  Never mind....

Goodnight, all.

Oh!  I saw another rose breasted grosbeak this evening.  Just for a moment, but he was there!  Woo Hoo!

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