Saturday, January 25, 2025

We Had Issues

We had some issues, but we got there in the end.  To the Oxford Fiber Arts Festival, I mean.  

The issues started when...well, the issues really started last month when I put in for my vacation day, and the system kicked it out.  I talked to my supervisor and he told me to put it in again after the first of the year, and he'd approve it -- which he did. 

But the issues this morning started when I got into the car -- after arguing with the cat that she couldn't go outside until I got back, which she did not like -- and realized I'd forgotten to air my tires up.  They'd all gone down a bit when the cold spell hit, and I'd intended to do it yesterday, but completely forgot. 

No problem.  I'd just get my plug in air pump and fill them up real quick-like.  I got the front two done just fine, then attached the hose to the first of the rear tires when I heard a suspicious whooshing sound and noticed the air pressure was going down instead of up.  After checking, sure enough, the hose had broken. 

Not surprised, though.  That thing has to be 10 years old at least.  It's so old I don't even remember when I bought it.   And not to worry, I have a back-up.  I got one of those that plugs into the 12 volt thing in your car.  The only problem is that it takes for-ev-er to air a tire up.  I got that one tire done and decided the other one could wait until I got home.  

I tossed the pump back into the trunk and hit the road to Oxford.  I found the place where the festival was with no problem.  Alas, it took much longer to find a parking spot.  After circling around several times, I saw a woman getting into her car.  Yippee!  I'd just sit there and wait...and wait...and wait...and wait...

Then I saw couple getting into their car also, so I backed up a bit because I was blocking them in, and figured I'd just take whichever spot emptied first.  While I was waiting, another couple came out and got into their car, and wouldn't you know it they actually left first.  No matter.  I was finally able to park and went inside to find Christi waiting for me!

She'd already been around and seen everything, so I walked on and looked at all the lovely yarns and things. 

This lady was very interesting.  She's a marine scientist and spends a lot of time on research vessels.  In her spare time, she crochets stuff, then when she comes home, she sells it at craft fairs and such.  

If you zoom in, you might be able to read her little mini-bio on the table.  

They had even more vendors in the back room, which is where I found my friend Leann, who I didn't take picture of.  

She was a bit upset, because the recent cold had burst a water pipe at her shop, and she couldn't dye the colors she'd wanted to bring.  But she had plenty of yarn from other collections, so she still had stuff to sell.  

We visited a minute, then Christi's other friends Jane and Kate arrived, and we stepped across the street to Newk's and got a bite of lunch.  I got the "Q" sandwich, and it was sooo good.  After lunch, Christi and I said our goodbyes and left.  Yes, Amy we did miss you and hope you can make it next month.  

And of course, me being me, I missed the turn and had to circle back, but eventually I got onto the right road and it was home free from there. 

I'm sure you'll all be pleased to know, I only bought four skeins of yarn.  

Heh, when I bought those two on the right from Leann, she asked me if I wanted a receipt.  I said, "No, I don't want to be reminded of how much money I'm spending."  The lady behind me -- I have no idea who she was -- laughed and said, "Right!"  

I got another partial skein from the free-bees box for my charity hats, and that's it for yarn. 

The only other thing I got was a few more Purl Scouts badges.  

This is a nice festival if you just want to go and shop, but there is no place to just sit, knit, and visit like there is at Fiber Fun In The 'Sip.  By the way, I've already got my days off approved for that one, too.   I'm still debating on whether I want to go a day early and go through the battlefield again, and maybe some of the museums.  I'll have to decide soon, as I'll have to make a hotel reservation.  

And finally, this is the stuff Cyndye sent me.  

 It's called Renew.  I have no idea where Lumosity came from.  

I blame sleep deprivation.  Which wasn't a problem today, because I slept good last night.  

Let's hope that is the start of a trend. 

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