Thursday, January 23, 2025

Short Week, Long Day

This has been a short week for me, Monday being the holiday and all, and I have a vacation day put in for tomorrow so I can go up to that fiber festival in Oxford Saturday.  My friend Leann is vending, but unfortunately Amy can't make it.  Christi is thinking about it and I hope she thinks she's going to come.  It will be great to see them again. 

Even though the week was short, the days were so, so very long, and I'm not just talking about the 11 hour shifts.  It's the stress. It's that nobody can seem to make up their minds whether certain defects are acceptable or not.  It's that we sub-brazers are having to make judgement calls because nobody will give us a straight answer, and that if we make the wrong call, it's going to come back on us -- not the person who made the parts wrong to begin with.  It's that because we can't get a straight answer from anyone, we're having to reject about 30% of the adapter tubes we get from tubing, and there is no way we can keep up with the lines that way.  Not only that, but they want us -- the sub brazers -- to sort through all the adapter tubes and pick out the bad ones instead of management telling the machine operator to look at what she's doing and if the machine is messing up, then stop and get it fixed before running an entire order of bad parts.  

I can't work this way.  Neither can anybody else, really.  Why can't they see that?  I guess it's easier to drive your employees into the ground than to actually solve a problem out there. 

In a bit of better news,  I got me an immersion blender. 

 A month ago, I didn't even know what an immersion blender was. Then my sister put one on her Christmas wish list, and so I sent her one.  

Then last week when I made the pumpkin soup, the recipe said to use an immersion blender to puree the pumpkin and onion chunks.  Alas, I had no immersion blender, so I had to use the regular blender, which worked, but was a bit annoying. 

I decided then and there I was going to get an immersion blender.  And today I did just that. 

Now I have me an immersion blender, but I also got up at 2:30 this morning, so that means there will be no immersion blending tonight.  

Maybe tomorrow.

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