And even the few below it have abnormally high hit counts. Usually, I get about 26 or 27 views. Oh well, I guess complaining about the USPS paid off.
Saturday, November 30, 2024
As Good
And even the few below it have abnormally high hit counts. Usually, I get about 26 or 27 views. Oh well, I guess complaining about the USPS paid off.
Friday, November 29, 2024
Black Friday
It's Black Friday, and as is my custom, I avoided stores like the plague. I didn't even go get corn for the deer, which I was completely out of. They didn't seem bothered by it, though. They just licked up the seed the birds dumped out of their feeders...
And I probably should have cropped that photo, but it's not happening now.
While I was not shopping, I got all of my fall decorations down and put away, then started putting out Christmas stuff, and in so doing, I discovered that the kids had missed quite a few ornaments when they were decorating my tree.
That situation is now rectified, and all of those ornaments are safely on the tree.
There isn't really that much else to talk about, because all I did was watch football. While I was watching, I finished As A Mist Creeps In.
It turned out really gorgeous. Then I caked up the next skein,
which is from Forbidden Fiber, and the colorway is Foliage, from her harvest collection. I bought it at Fiber Fun In The 'Sip a few years ago. I think this one may be discontinued, because I can't find it on her website, buuuuut, she's got a new Christmas collection that is available for pre-order.
Don't mind me. I'm just sitting here trying to resist temptation.
OK, moving right along, we finally had our first frost last night-- which usually happens about the middle of November. Unfortunately, I didn't get the Lemon verbena or the Greek Oregano cut, so I guess we'll see how cold hardy they are.
Speaking of, I still have one Cosmos in my front bed that has buds on it.
I guess we'll see how cold hardy they are, too because it's supposed to get down into the 20s tonight. I imagine that'll kill off pretty much everything else I have planted.
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Thanksgiving Eve
Not so tonight. I can stay up as late as I want to. I don't even have to get up tomorrow and do a bunch of cooking. That'll feel a bit weird, but I think it'll be nice just to sit and watch the parade without having to run back and forth to the kitchen -- or watch it on my Kindle while I'm cooking, which is what I usually end up doing.
I'm still going to have a Thanksgiving dinner, though, because there is plenty of turkey left. Also, I saved myself a serving of sweet potatoes and one of jello salad. Then, because the kids took all of the broccoli, I got the leftover squash casserole out of the freezer. And I have a box of Stove Top in the cabinet that I'll make. Finally, I'll top it off with pumpkin pie, which I also saved and froze.
I'm going to watch Charlie Brown, Mayflower, the parade, then the football games, and it'll be a right nice day, even though it'll just be me.
Probably just as well. Maybe if I take it easy for a few days, I can finally kick this cold that's been kicking my butt. Maybe I'll even get started on my Christmas cards, since my stamps finally arrived -- most of them, at least.
I'd ordered Christmas stamps from USPS, not knowing I'd be going to the actual post office just a few days later. You know, it took less time to get my custom printed ornaments from CHINA than it did to get those stamps from Missouri. That's our wonderful postal service for you. Anyway, one of the books of stamps I'd ordered wasn't in the package, so I called that customer service number on the invoice and heard, "All of our customer service representatives are busy. Please stay on the line and one will be with you shortly. Approximate wait time: 79 minutes."
Forget that! I hung up and emailed them, and got a response almost immediately. They've shipped me a replacement book, which will hopefully get here quicker than the first order did.
While we're on the subject, I already received my first card, from my brother and sister in law.
And finally, since we're going to be expecting a frost here in the next few days, when I got home, I cut the last of my lemon balm and sweet mint and hung them up to dry. Then I cut the last of the cayennes and Jalapenos, and tomorrow I'll try to cut the lemon verbena and Greek Oregano. That's going to be about it for this season, I think.
In the spring, I'll have to wait to see if anything comes back before I decide what to grow next year. I know I want to try to grow my own Stevia, but I doubt I'll fool with the jalapeno or tabasco peppers again. I might grow the banana peppers again, because they add just the right amount of crunch to my chicken salad.
Well, that's about it. If I don't get around to posting tomorrow, you all have a very happy Thanksgiving.
Monday, November 25, 2024
I Hope
If you'll recall, I mentioned yesterday that I'd need to go to the post office after work, and the reason for that is to mail something to my sister in Alaska. She'd asked Brennan to pick up a gift for my youngest nephew, which I won't mention what it was just on the off chance he might see this. I don't expect him to, but still...
Since it's a quite expensive gift, I didn't want to leave it in the car all day while I was at work, so I told myself I'd run back by the house to get it, then go into town.
Therein lies the risk. Once I'm home, I'm home. And once I got home, I was like, "Ugh, I don't want to have to go mail this!" But it's for my nephew, so I put on my big girl britches and left the house again, to go to the post office.
Aaand the man behind the counter didn't know what he was doing. When it got to the part where I had to declare if there was anything liquid, fragile, perilous, or potentially hazardous, I said, "Well, it's got a battery in it."
"Oooh, I don't know if we can send batteries," he said.
Um, according to the giant poster on the wall behind your head, you can -- I didn't say out loud. I just said, "I've had stuff sent to me that has batteries in it. You just have to put that sticker on it."
"All right," he said, and put a Hazmat sticker on the box instead of the battery sticker.
I hope it gets there OK, and I hope I don't go to prison because he put the wrong sticker on! That's a joke, by the way, for those of you who are humor impaired.
But I've got that headache behind me, and all the while I'm wondering why my sister didn't just go to the store's website and order the item and have it shipped straight to her house. The only thing I can think of would be that shipping to Alaska would be too high. Indeed, it cost me $27 to mail it -- and that includes the extra insurance I sprang for. Eh, she is going to mail me a check to cover the shipping, so all I ended up forking out was the aggravation of having to go to the post office. My favorite place...
Once that was done, I ran by Walmart and picked up a new coffee maker.
Sunday, November 24, 2024
Well, ye were five years old, so we did know ye a little bit. Still, I'd have expected ye to last a bit longer than that, but as ye were cheap, I feel like I got my money's worth out of ye.
Saturday, November 23, 2024
Our Pretend Thanksgiving

I won't keep this one after I've read it, but will put it back into the LFL.
Cody kept insisting on putting that grill on there, even though we weren't planning on cooking hamburgers or anything. I'll pull it off next time I use it.
Thursday, November 21, 2024
I Made It
Got a busy day tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
It's Here!
And yes, you can be as pedantic as you want and insist that it's really a Thanksgiving cactus, but to me, they're Christmas cacti and that's what I'm going to call them.
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
I still need to bring in the ones on the front porch, which I will probably do tomorrow.
Monday, November 18, 2024
When It Rains
It's supposed to dip down into the 30s after this next front comes through, so I'll probably go on ahead and get them into their winter home tomorrow afternoon.
Saturday, November 16, 2024
One Of These Days

Then I pulled up the dead cosmos and put them into the compost. I'll need to get the weedeater out and cut down that mess, but that didn't happen today. I don't think I'll plant more cosmos in this bed next year. I think I'll go with something a little tamer like Vincas. I always did like them.
They're predicting temperatures down into the upper 30s by next weekend, so I needed to clear a space to bring my outside plants inside.
By the way, my fire pit has shipped, and it supposed to arrive Thursday -- just in time for those cooler temps. I spent some time today looking at Adirondack chairs to put around it. I still have to decide where to put it, too. I'm really wanting to build a patio right outside my back door. I'd had one there for about a month after I moved in, but the plumber had to break it up to replace the sewer line. That one was just a solid slab of concrete, but I'm wanting something a little more fancy than that. I'd bought one of those molds that you use with Quickcrete, but never got around to doing anything with it.
Oh well, I'll figure something out.
In piano news, yes, I'm still playing. I finished unit four in my Faber book this afternoon, then put it and my Alfred's book away until after Christmas. I'm going to spend the rest of the year playing Christmas songs, and hymns, and songs I play just for fun.
Speaking of, I ordered a bunch of Christmas stamps yesterday. It's almost time to get my Christmas cards ready!
I guess that's about it for today. I'm going to go get something to eat, then finish watching the ball game.
Friday, November 15, 2024
Conversate More

Thursday, November 14, 2024
We Are Go

This is not my photo. It's the preview they showed me when I placed my order, but mine did arrive today and they look really nice. I've ordered one for each of my siblings as well, and of course, these are the three states we live in.
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Foolish And Impulsive
The yarn is from Whimsical Ewe, and the colorway is As A Mist Creeps In. It is available on her website, but I bought mine from the last Fiber Fun In The 'Sip. I love the way it's knitting up, even though the colors in the photo aren't true.
And finally, I've got buds beginning to open on my Whatever Cacti.
It won't be long before I have to bring them inside for the winter. They're saying by next weekend, we could be down into the 30s. That fire pit will feel mighty good, then.
Monday, November 11, 2024
My New Toy