Tuesday, January 24, 2023

The Last Christmas Gift

I knew right away what kind of day it was going to be when I was driving into work, going down Riverdale road for all you local folks, when I almost hit three deer standing on the side of the road. I swerved quickly to miss them, and kept on driving.  About half a mile down the road, I almost hit two more as they dashed across the road in front of me.  That certainly got the old heart racing.  

As if I weren't already paranoid enough about having a heart attack!  

In better news, I finally spent my Christmas money--you know, that my older brother and sister in law sent me.  It took a long time to decide what to get, because what I wanted I didn't need, and what I need, I didn't want to spend gift money on.  That reminds me...

Back in the day, my Aunt Martha would give me money for my birthday with the admonition, "Now, don't you pay bills with that.  You get something for yourself!"

A few weeks later, she'd call me up and ask what I'd spent my birthday money on, and I'd have to somewhat sheepishly admit I'd paid the water bill with it, or bought groceries.  She'd say,  "Well, if that's what you needed to do..."  

Nowadays, I can spend it all on me!  Yes, I know that sounds selfish, but hey, it's OK to do something for yourself once in a while. So, what did I get that I totally didn't need?  More wax stamps!

Like I didn't have enough already, but hey, I didn't have these. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.  The set only came with one handle, but that's OK.  I have plenty of handles.  It also came with three packs of wax beads and a gold and a silver marker,  but I didn't put those into the photo. 

The second thing I bought is this little ...um, they call it a furnace, but that's pushing it a bit.  It's really  just a stand for the melting spoon. 

You set it over your tealight, and you don't have to sit there and hold the spoon while the beads melt.   

And the final thing I bought is...a new book for my collection!

There is one more in the series I want, then my collection of versions will be complete.  I mean, they have lots of versions, but only one that I want. 

And finally, my hometown got hit by a tornado just a few moments ago.  It touched down very close to my cousins' houses, but they are all OK.  They have some structural damage and no electricity, but they're fine.  The same system dropped a tornado in Houston, too.  Still waiting to hear from friends there. 

Oh, and one more thing, I am finally starting to feel better from this flu, or whatever it was I had.  Thanks to everyone for the prayers and good wishes. 

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