Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Love Hate

Just checking in for a quick post to let you all know I'm still here.  Barely kicking, completely exhausted, unable to remember all I was planning on posting about, but still here.  

I have a love/hate relationship with my printer.  I love that it's wireless, and it prints really well.  I love that you can replace each color cartridge separately when it runs out, instead of having one big cartridge with all three colors in it.  What I hate about it is when one of the cartridges is out, it won't print anything until that cartridge is replaced.  Or at least, I haven't figured out how to make it print when one of the cartridges is out.

One day last week, I'd had HR print me out a list of all my approved vacation days.  All black, no colors, no fancy stuff.  All I wanted to do was make an extra copy.  Just put it onto the scanner tray and make a black and white copy.

But my printer told me my -- get this -- my photo cartridge was out.  My photo cartridge.  I tried to tell it I wasn't printing a photo, but it wouldn't listen.  It wouldn't let me make my copy until I replaced that photo cartridge. 

I don't know if it's just because I'm really tired right now, or if I was looking in the wrong place, but I couldn't for the life of me find one sold separately.  You can buy all the color cartridges separately, but not the photo black.  The only place I found it was in a complete set.  

At now least I have extras of all the others.  You know, for when they run out.  

Since we are now under a statewide mask mandate, I needed a mask to be compliant.  So I got this one. 

Here we see my creepy styrofoam head modeling my creepy plague doctor mask.  

Her name is Charlotte, by the way.  The head.  Not the mask. 

Clearly, I don't get enough sleep.  Something I'm going to go rectify right now.

As soon as I practice my piano, that is. 

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