Tuesday, April 16, 2024


I am done with this list -- for now. 

 Yep, me with my old crazy self got out after work and mowed the front and side yards.  Only now I'm too tired to even lift my arms, but the list is done!

Yea, I know, I know.  It still says move daffodils, but I've decided it'll be better for them if I wait until they begin dying back naturally, so they get a reprieve for now.   I reckon, though, I'd better make a new list -- which unfortunately includes making phone calls. Ick. 

Also unfortunately, it looks like one of my little cosmos has died.  I'm not sure if I damaged the roots too much when I moved it or what, but it's a goner.  Hopefully, I'll have enough germinate from the next batch to fill the bed up. 

I know this is short, but after working a 10 hour shift, then coming home and mowing, I'm plumb wiped out.  I'm going to sit and do absolutely nothing for a minute. 


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