Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Annual Physical

You know those people who just love going to the doctor?  They love getting all the tests and the poking and prodding, buying all the newest medical gadgets and all of that stuff.  Yeah, I'm not one of those.  

Those of you with better memories than mine may remember about a year ago, I went in to try to get my cholesterol numbers under control.  I'd tried and tried to do it naturally, but it just wasn't working.  So, to avoid surcharges on my insurance, off to the doctor I went.  He put me on Crestor, and wanted to see me again in 6 months.  Things were better, but not quite where I wanted them to be, so he told me to start taking Omega-3 and come back in another 6 months. 

Today was that second follow-up, so after spending a week fighting myself not to cancel the appointment, I took a day off of work and went in to see my doctor.  All in all, everything looks pretty good, except for a couple of things.  

First up, some of my liver enzymes were a bit high.  He thinks it might be due to fatty deposits on my liver because my triglycerides have been so high for so long, however we're going to schedule an ultrasound just to be on the safe side.  That was my call, given my family history with liver cancer and all.  

The other thing he's concerned about is my A1-C.  I forgot what it is --6 point something-- but it's high enough to be considered pre-diabetic.  I know my dad was also pre-diabetic, but I don't think he ever was diagnosed with full blown diabetes.    The doc is going to set me up with a diabetes educator, and I have to go back at the end of July to see if it's gotten any better.  My insurance has a program where they'll send me a free meter and support, but I have to have a diagnosis first.  I really need to get back to eating my oatmeal, too.  I used to eat a bowl every day, but have kind of gotten away from it when they started making us come in so [unwholesome word] early. 

Anyway, he said my cholesterol numbers looked so much better, I don't have to do another 6 month follow up for them,  so I don't have to go back for those until next year.  I just have to go back for my A1-C.

 After I was done at the doctor's office, I ran by Walmart and picked up a few things for the herb garden.   For my full-sun garden, I bought some purple basil and some sweet basil. 

And some cayenne and jalapeno peppers for Cody.  

Then, for my part shade garden I got Greek oregano.  

I've got two more spots in each one, so I'll have to see if there is anything else the kids want.  Cody is the cook in the family.  I just like growing the stuff. 

Then I went by Spain's and spent those two gift cards I'd been carrying around -- one of them for 18 months.  Honestly, I don't know why everyone loves that store so much.  It's cluttered, crowded, and expensive.  I was just walking around buying stuff so I could use that gift money up, and I picked up some Velveeta Shells 'n' Cheese.  It costs .50 cents per box MORE than you can buy it for at Walmart. 

Then I tipped the bag boy way too much, but justified it by telling myself it'll be another two years or so before I ever come back to this store.  Really, it was just because I didn't have any $1s on me, and didn't want to not give him anything.  So he got a very generous tip. 

And that was it.  I came home, ate a bit of lunch, then got out and dug up the last of those daffodils from the front yard.   Here you can see the empty spot where they used to be. 

Why I felt the need to show you that is beyond me.  I've long since given up trying to find an explanation for such things. 

I did not, however, begin re-planting said daffodils.  I laid them back on my potting table, a bit overwhelmed by how many there are. 

I guess I'll just plant a few at a time until I get them all back into the ground.  

In the meantime, I think I'll go take a shower and wash the sweat from my body.  Oh, and before I go, it looks like this year's fawns will be here before we know it. 

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