Sunday, July 24, 2022

Wonder Of Wonders

 Miracle of miracles, they fixed the sink!

About an hour after I showed that photo to Boss of Bosses, wonder of wonders maintenance was in the bathroom unclogging the sinks -- including the one that's been clogged up for months on end.  I guess you just need to squeak in front of the right oil can. 

By the way, I took this photo before the cleaning crew came in for their afternoon cleaning session.  It doesn't always look like this.  But at least we can use it again.  No progress on the front bathroom, though.  

Anyway, we had this weekend off again.  Word around the plant is that they can't get the steel we need to make our parts.  Last weekend, I'd said I needed to get better about doing things during the week instead of saving everything up for the weekend.  Monday, I came home and got my mini chainsaw out, and cut a few more things up.  I cut down one more privet from my fence line, then finished cutting up these branches. 

Tuesday, I came home and ... sat in front of the TV.   Wednesday, I came home and decided we'd wait until fall comes to do this doing stuff during the week nonsense.  Seriously, five minutes out in this heat and humidity, and I look like I've got a haystack on my head.

I think I'll stay inside and knit instead.  Speaking of knitting, I finished the hat I was working on.  

I still don't like the way it striped, but I doubt a kid would care, or even notice for that matter.  

And speaking of cooler weather, look what I found in the store Friday!

Oh, it's on, y'all!  Not only that, we're finally getting a break from this heat next weekend.  Highs in the upper 80s instead of the upper 90s!  I can't wait!  

In other news, you'd be proud of me because after weeks on end of blabbering about it, I finally got my butt in gear and went down to the Farmer's Market yesterday!  Yay for me!

I have to admit I was a bit disappointed in the produce, but I don't mean to say that in a blaming sort of way.  The farmers have been struggling in this drought, too.  All of the produce was so small, but the tomatoes I got made good sammiches.  That's all I got, though, was tomatoes.  Vegetable wise, I mean. 

I also stopped by Miss TT's booth and picked up some new jars of muscadine jelly and Indian plum jelly. 

Funny thing, my Scottish was showing a bit when I picked up the Indian Plum jelly and said, "I've never heard of Indian plums.  I'll have to try this."  If you're Scottish, you'll get it.  If not, there's no explaining it. 

And of course, I couldn't leave Miss TT's without getting some of her old fashioned tea cakes. 

I know, I know.  There are plenty of tea cake recipes out there, but those would require me to bake them.   A whole recipe of them.  Which I would then eat.  Aaaaand you get where this is going.  

OK, moving right along.  I picked up these stickers at Walmart Friday on impulse.   

Because I thought they were cute.  Now I just need to find a new pen pal and I can start using them, since all my old ones have stopped writing. 

And finally, I made my hotel reservations for Fiber Fun In The Sip.  I went ahead and booked Thursday night and Friday night.  I did get the fully refundable rooms, so I can cancel if I need to.  Now, I just have to call the vet and get Jesse's hotel booked, and we'll  be all set. 

I'm not taking any classes this year, so I'll be there Friday and Saturday just to hang out.  I hope to see you there -- some of you, at least.  

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

I've been following your work situation with the bathroom. I'm just horrified by it all. How on earth can that stuff slide as long as it has.