Friday, July 01, 2022

Day One

Day one of my long weekend is done.  I managed to get a few things marked off of my to-do list, and no, calling the plumber was not one of them.  But then, not everything on the list has to be done this weekend.  

Also because today was payday, and even though I didn't have to work, payday errands still needed to be run.  I don't know what I was thinking, going to Walmart on the first of the month, and the Friday before a holiday weekend at that.  I was considering buying myself a steak and grilling it, but by the time I got over to the meat department, the place was such a madhouse, I decided to just eat what I have at home. I got a chicken out of the freezer and will make chicken salad out of it, plus I have a pizza I bought last week and still haven't cooked. 

Once I'd gotten home from the store, I got some of the boxes from Cody's room and dragged them into the living room.  The idea was to start sorting through the stuff inside while binge-watching Chicago Fire -- which I recently started doing. However, when I opened the first two I found mostly shoes inside.  I'll have to ask Cody if he wants any of them, or if I can give them away. Honestly, they've been in that closet so long, he probably doesn't even remember that they're there. 

The other thing I did from my list was to dig the mud out of my water meter housing.  For some reason, it sits about an inch or two below the soil level, and every time it rains, mud runs down into the housing.  I have to dig it out every so often, or the entire thing will get covered with dirt and grass.  One time, I was out there digging the mud out, and my neighbor stopped by and said, "Why are you doing that?  They have those new meters that they just have to stick the wand out of the window and it reads them."  My response was, "What if I bust a pipe or something?  I need to be able to get to my shut-off valve."  So, that's why I dig the mud out periodically. 

Take heart, Gentle Reader, I did not spend the entire day working.  There were plenty of episodes of Chicago Fire and Master Chef Junior watched, and while they were being watched, knitting was also going on.  The hat has gotten long enough that I'm ready to start the crown decreases. 

I've put in a few more rows on this scarf, as well, only now I'm getting worried I won't have enough yarn to make it long enough. 

I know, I's too early to tell that.  I'll just have to keep an eye on things, and if I don't think it's long enough by the time I've finished the first ball of yarn, I'll have to frog it and re-do it.  

I always say, if you don't rip and cast on at least three times, are you even knitting, bro?  

And finally, in honor of it being America week, here is your 'Murica moment for today:

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