Wednesday, February 02, 2022

Something's Got To Give

Something has got to give.  Out at work, I mean.  Today, we had four brazers out.  Yesterday, we had six, Monday we had three out, and another left at lunch.  Saturday, five brazers were out.  

Now, point of clarification, when I say five or six or whatever, I'm also counting those two open positions that for some reason, they just won't fill.  Rumor has it, it's because the brazing trainer has said she "just doesn't want to fool with them."  Training them, I mean.  Excuse me?  Isn't that your job???

Anyway, we start the day shorthanded as it is, and if anyone else is out, that really puts us in a bind. They still expect us to keep up with the lines, though.  While starving for 7 hours until lunch break.  

They've got to get us some help over there.  But I'm not going to hold my breath on that.  

I had a nice surprise when I got home, though.  Lookit!  My Venus Fly Trap has a trap closed!

Do you see it?  It's there on the left, right above the black label.  That's pretty cool!  OK, not that I have bugs in my house, but it's still cool!

OK, I have a confession to make. 

Sometimes I order things from Amazon just to have something show up in my mailbox.  It's usually small stuff, but at least it's something. 

Back when I was little, we always went to the South Texas State Fair in Beaumont.  Back then, they had it in the fall, but after Ike came through, they moved it to the spring.  One year, there was this man demonstrating these wire baskets.  The way they were constructed, you could change them from tall and skinny baskets, to short and wide -- almost platter like.  I was so fascinated with that thing, I bugged and bugged my mother until she gave in and bought me one. 

I'm not sure what happened to mine, but several years ago, Beverly was cleaning out some boxes and found hers.  I mentioned that I'd had one, so she gave me hers.

Ever since I moved into this house, I've had it setting on top of one of my shelves, alongside a pig and a chicken mug.

Every so often, I'd say to myself,  "Self, you ought to get some fake eggs and put into that basket.  It'd go real nice with the farmhouse theme you're trying to decorate this living room with."  

Being that it's been a while since I got any mail, that's exactly what I did.  I got on Amazon and ordered some.  They're cheap, plastic eggs, but from a distance, they look OK.   

Now, it looks just like a roadside farm stand.  If you use your imagination....a lot of imagination.  But I like it.  I still need to do something with the other side, though.   

I don't know where I want to put my TARDIS things, but I do want to move them somewhere else.    I'd originally thought I'd move them to my mantle, once I ever get my act together enough to get the guy out to build me one, but now I'm not so sure.  

We'll just have to see. 

And finally, they're predicting freezing rain for us tomorrow, with up to 1/4" of ice accumulation.  Looks like Big Al wasn't wrong.  

When is he ever?  

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