Saturday, February 19, 2022

Burning Girl

There I was at work, just a working away, when I heard yelling.  I saw the brazing trainer running, yelling another brazer's name.  I looked over, and the other brazer had somehow managed to catch the sleeve of her hoodie on fire.  She dropped her brazing tip on the floor and was frantically slapping at the flames, trying to smother them out.  I ran over and began trying to pull her hoodie off of her.  I was soon joined by a third brazer, who had run over and picked up Burning Girl's still lit tip off of the floor and hung it up on the shut-off arm, and between the three of us, we got Burning Girl's hoodie off.  

Burning Girl pulled off her protective arm guard, and pushed up the sleeve of the shirt she'd been wearing under her hoodie, and began rubbing her arm where it had burned.  Someone else told her, "Don't rub it," and I said, "Put some cool water on it."  Burning Girl got her bottle of drinking water, and used it to cool down the burn on her arm. 

While all this was going on, a Supervisor who had been walking down the aisle came over to sub-brazing to see what all the hubbub was about, and I told him, "Burning Girl burned a hole in her shirt."  "She burned a hole in her shirt???" Supervisor said with incredulity.  I showed him the hoodie, with the gigantic hole in the sleeve where it had burned.  And it was a big hole...

I went to find Group Leader Shark, telling her, "We need you over here!  Burning Girl caught her shirt on fire."  But by the time Group Leader Shark got to Burning Girl's stand, Supervisor had already taken her up to the First Aid room.  

Later, when they'd gotten back from First Aid, Burning Girl came over to thank me for helping her out.  I asked her how she was, and she said, "It was just the heat."  She pulled up her sleeve and showed me her arm.  "If it weren't for those arm guards, it would have gotten me."  But that kevlar is good stuff, because she didn't have a mark on her. 

Sometime after that, our Supervisor came over and without saying a word, took the fire extinguisher off it's hook and put it onto Burning Girl's table, and announced to the department that her new nickname would be Smoky.  

Up until then, the most exciting thing I was going to tell you was that I almost hit a deer on the way to work this morning.  Luckily, my car has really good brakes, because by the time I got stopped, I could see every single hair on that deer's butt.  The funny thing about that was, my lunch box flew off the front seat and into my floorboard.  I was so relieved I hadn't hit the deer, I didn't even think about my lunch.  When I got to work, and was getting out, I reached over to get my cooler, and had a brief moment of panic, thinking I'd forgotten my lunch.  

It's happened before...

In Knitting Knews, I still haven't cast on a sock with the yarn I finally caked up.  Funny, I have all these sock pattern books...

plus the entire internet, and I can't find a pattern that appeals.  Well, I take that back.  I've found patterns that appeal, but they're better suited to a solid or tonal yarn, not variegated.  I think I've decided to just do a simple K2P2 rib, with the ribbing continuing down the top of the foot.  That ought to be OK for this yarn, and it's pretty mindless, so I can knit on it while watching TV.  

Today's big project was going to be repotting some of my Christmas Cacti, and putting Marty Mac into his pot.  I got my soils in Thursday, 

but we must have a new UPS guy, because he comes really late at night now.  And bear in mind, that when I say really late at night, I'm speaking from the perspective of someone who gets up at 2:30 AM.  He comes around 7:00 PM, but for me that is really late at night. 

Anyway, I was going to show you all the steps and stuff, but this morning's excitement at work precluded that.  Maybe it'll be tomorrow's post. 

And finally, I got my COVID tests in today.  

Good thing I didn't wait until I had symptoms to order, because as long as it took, I'd either be well or dead by the time they arrived. 

You know, I may never use them, but my tax dollars paid for them, and by golly, I want them!  

Now I just need to figure out how to get that N95 mask they're supposed to be giving out.  Sahara dust season is almost here and I'm going to need it.  

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