Friday, February 25, 2022

Freaked Me Out!

I was so tired last night, and discouraged about my dentist appointment, I almost didn't practice my piano.  But, right before bed, I said to myself, "Let me sit down and play a little bit.  I always feel better after I play a bit."  

You know, in a way, I'm sort of like a toddler getting into the bath.  I don't want to get started -- mainly because I don't want to get out of my chair -- but once I do start, I don't want to stop.  

Anyway, I pried my behind out of the chair, sat down at the piano, and put on my piano glasses.  Whoa!  I couldn't see!  I took them off, blinked a few times, then put them back on.  |

I still couldn't see.   I was beginning to freak out just a bit, here...

Because apparently, I'm a slow learner, I put them back on one more time.  It was after this, yes this third time putting those glasses on that I realized, one of the lenses was missing.  As in, had fallen out of the frames completely. 

What?  I looked on the keyboard, and on the floor all around it, and no lens.  I even turned on the big light, and got the broom to sweep under the love seat, but still no lens.  I knew those glasses had had the lens in them the night before when I wore them to practice, so the lens had to be in the house somewhere. 

I decided to go to bed, reasoning that I would find the lens eventually.  I went into the bedroom, and there it was, in the bedroom floor.  My glasses lens.  How it got in there, I don't know, but I have my suspicions...It's a wonder it didn't get stepped on and broken. 

No matter.  The lens is back in my piano glasses, and I can practice my piano again.  Not like I don't have a bunch of other pairs of glasses, but still....

OK, moving right along...

Wonder of wonders, we have another weekend off.  What I heard is the plant is out of a Vitally Important Material, and we can't make anything without this Vitally Important Material.  Word is, Monday is iffy, if they don't get some in soon.  

I told my coworker I was going to sleep all weekend -- and I just might do that.  It was cold today, and is supposed to be cold again tomorrow.  Heh, I was freezing all morning.  I just couldn't get warm.  I was so cold, I seriously thought I was sick.  As in, running fever.  

It wasn't until after lunch when my coworker came back in from outside and said, "It's so cold out there!"  I checked my phone, and it was only 37'.  No wonder I couldn't get warm!  I came home and was tempted to start a fire, but I was too tired to fool with it. I brought some wood up, so I'll be able to start one in the morning, but for tonight, I'm just huddling under a blanket and drinking hot chocolate. 

  That being said, I'll leave you with your Texas History moment of Day Three of the Siege.  

1 comment:

Otter said...

There are just days like that. I am looking forward to a warming trend starting sunday. Tired of being cold.