Thursday, February 10, 2022

So Tired

 I was so tired when I got home from work yesterday, I ate half a can of Spam and a string cheese, and called that supper.  Tonight, I did a bit better.  I fixed myself a fried Spam and cheese sandwich.  

See that up there?  Those words in italics?  Yeah, that was going to be your blog post yesterday.  I got that far and said, "I can't do this.  I'm going to bed."  And that's exactly what I did. 

I was going to tell you that the day I ate the Spam and string cheese for supper, I'd watched a town hall with a bunch of local doctors -- and by "local" I mean from the Jackson area.  Doctors from our state, not from California or New York or wherever.  It was very interesting, and informative.  Oh, those doctors had their talking points down pat, and they spoke almost as if they believed what they were saying.  They were so persuasive.

Good thing we have Facebook memes and comedians with podcasts to tell us the truth, so we don't get fooled by these doctors and their lies, like a bunch of mindless sheep, right?  

All sarcasm aside, cases are dropping like a rock here, so that's a good thing. 

The blue bars are daily cases, and the black line is the rolling seven day average.   I am a bit of a statistics geek, so I really get into keeping up with this kind of information.  I know that makes me a dork, but what can I say?  I am who I am.  

By the way, you too can be a statistics geek.  Just go to MSDH.MS.GOV and it's all right there.   Not just case counts, either, but also underlying conditions and all sorts of fun stuff.  

In the not so good news, my sphagnum moss arrived yesterday. 

I got all excited, thinking I could repot my Fly Trap this evening when I got home from work.  I'd already decided to sacrifice what was left of this Christmas cactus and use its pot.  

Unfortunately, I hadn't noticed when I ordered it that the sphagnum moss was enriched with plant food.  Venus Fly Traps do better in poor soil.  Sigh...

I'll keep the moss, as I'm sure I can use it for other plants, but it looks like I'm back to square one for my VFT, which I just now decided to name Marty Mac.  

Marty Mac Fly...get it?

Ok, never mind. 

The assembly lines are off this weekend, and I'm hoping we will be, too.  They've already told third shift brazers they don't have to come in, but that doesn't mean anything.  Each shift has its own set of rules, you know.  But I'm thinking if they do let us off, I'll run up to Lowe's in Batesville and pick up some sphagnum moss there, and I'll be sure to get it without plant food.  I might also get some perlite to mix in with it, since the Fly Trap sites recommend it as well. 

There is still no sign of life in my little peat pellets, but I'm hoping for some sprouts soon.  

I really must go put some time in practicing my piano, so I'll close for now.


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