Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Today Was Not A Good Day

 I killed a rabbit on the way to work. 

Wait, back up a minute.  First off, I had to go back to work -- which is always a bummer --and on the way, I killed a rabbit.  I certainly didn't mean to, but he darted out right in front of my car.  I slammed on the brakes, but I heard the thump and felt the bump that told me I wasn't quick enough.  It just put a damper on my whole day.  

The redneck in me thought briefly that I needed to go back get him, so I could put him in the freezer and eat him later, but I thought better of that.  I didn't have a way to store him while I was at work, and I was afraid the meat would go bad before I got off. 

Then I get to work, only to discover they'd changed our working hours again, and nobody told me, so I was late.  (My friend apologized, saying she'd meant to text me and let me know, but got distracted and forgot.  I can't fault her for that.  I do it all the time.)

Just before lunch, they told us we had to start wearing our masks again until further notice.

Then second shift did an order wrong and we had to re-so it.

And I dropped a hot piece of copper and burned a hole in my jacket.

And I bent over to pick up a piece of trash off the bathroom floor and clonked my head on the tissue holder

By this time, I was feeling pretty much like Alexander -- only unlike Alexander, I had gumbo at home to look forward to.  

Aaaand, I get home and the gumbo was still frozen.  I could have thawed it, but I was hungry and didn't want to wait that long. 

I ate boudin instead.  At least something in my day went right. 

How was your day? 

1 comment:

Otter said...

Hmmm...since Tuesday was my birthday where I officially qualify for Medicare.....I would say my day was not any better than yours.