Sunday, January 16, 2022


 We got snow!  

Even though it was really coming down there for a while, we didn't get any accumulation.  I put my bowl out just in case, but this is the most that stayed on the ground, and it melted pretty quickly after I took the photo. 

But it was snow!  Real snow, not that sleety mess we usually get.  And before any of my northern friends comments...I'm just going to leave this right here:

OK, moving right along.  My big project for today was to watch playoff football.  No, really, it was to watch playoff football and finally make all that turkey noodle soup I'd been planning on doing since Thanksgiving.  

Imma tell you one thing... when you boil down the carcass of a 17 lb bird, you get a lot of broth.  I used a gallon and a half for my soup, and still have tons of it in the freezer.  Once I'd added the meat, vegetables, and noodles, I probably ended up with three gallons of soup, most of which is now safely nestled in the freezer.  

We've got three more years of Bare Shelves Biden.  I might need every last drop of that soup before it's all over.

Anyway, the only thing I wish I'd done differently is to check how much of the celery Cody'd used for the gumbo he made.  I'd bought an entire bunch, and cut it all up, thinking it would be enough for both batches of soup, but he used a bit more than I thought he would.  If I'd checked, I'd have bought more.  But it's still good soup, even though most of you would think it needs more salt.  I'd be inclined to agree with you, but I don't like salt, so I don't add a lot of it to my food.  

In other news, I'm still knitting away at the same old scarf.  I'd show you picture of it, but it looks exactly like it did in the last picture I showed you, just a few inches longer. I've been working a bit on my needle felting.  I made a cute little cowboy hat:

And a horse: 

I'm going to make a boot, too.  And what is all this going to be, you may ask?  I'm going to add them to my Texas (for which I made a little Orange heart to put where my home town is)

and I'm going to make a sort of shadow box thing out of it all.  I probably will do a star, know for the Lone Star State.  

The best part is, I got to play with some of the fiber in the kit my sister gave me for Christmas.  They may be tiny bags, but they packed a lot into them.  

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