Saturday, January 08, 2022

Still Here; Still Tired

 This cat of mine...I do declare.

It was supposed to get down into the mid 20s last night, so I made her stay in the house.  She didn't like that.  And she let me know she didn't like that.  All night long.  So, today after work, I found an old cardboard box that has been hanging around the house for at least 10 years, 

and a $2.00 mylar blanket from Walmart, 

ten minutes with some tape and scissors, and voila, an insulated cat house. 

I put it out onto the car port, and showed the cat where it was.  She sniffed at it a bit, but didn't go inside.  At least now, the option is there, and I'll feel better about leaving her outside if she has a warm place to get into.  

And maybe now, I can get some sleep.  

In other news, I finally got brave and popped my felt Texas out of the cookie cutter.  

I need to tighten up the edges a bit more, but overall, I'm pleased with how it turned out.  I've got some more detailed cookie cutters that I want to try once I've gotten a bit more practice in.  After I've settled back into the routine a bit more (read: get used to a constant state of sleep deprivation again), I want to try to do a little cow or sheep.  Those are so cute.  

You know what else is cute?  These little playdough cutters: 

I want to try that little dragon next.  I mean for needle felting.  Not Play-Doh.  Although Play-Doh can be fun.  And somewhat therapeutic.  

And I need some therapy today after dealing with all the stupidity on Facebook.  

One of these days, I'm going to step on some toes and do a whole blog post about some of the seriously stupid stuff I've seen lately...

But for now, I think I'll get off here and watch this ball game.  The only question is, which version of the Cowboys will we get tonight:  Super Bowl Contender or Train Wreck?  

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