Sunday, January 30, 2022

Out Of Fumes

 You know how when people get really tired, they often say they're running on fumes?  Yeah, I think at this point, I'm out of fumes.  How out of fumes am I?  Check out my shopping list:

Do you see it?  Yeah...that tired.  The sad part is, it's still only January.  I've got at least 8 more months of this to go.  

Hopefully, over the next couple of weeks, I'll become more accustomed to be exhausted and sleep deprived, and will be blogging more. Maybe I won't be going to bed at 6:00, either!  But then, maybe I will.

Anyway, what has been going on since I last wrote?  Not much.  Just work.  Another of my coworkers has come down with COVID for the second time.  Someone else said it was her third time.  I don't remember, but I know for sure she's had it at least once before.  That's something I've noticed...just my own personal observations.  All the ones who'd had it early on -- like in June or July of 2020 -- are all getting it again now.  

But there is good news, Dr. Dobbs put out another Three Minute Update (Shriek!  He's not reliable!  His videos last FIVE minutes!  That PROVES he's lying!  He can't be trusted!!!   Shriek!!!!), and it shows our 7 day rolling average is dropping pretty quickly.  They'd said it would probably peak around the third week of January, and that's exactly what it has done. 

Hopefully, they'll let us come out of our masks at work soon.  That's the only place I still have to wear one.  But then, we have a control freak for a boss...You know, the one who put us on water restrictions, because he's the boss and he can.  

I'll bet you anything, I can tell you how he votes, too. 

Let's see...what else has been happening?  Unless you've been living under a rock, you've no doubt heard about the massive snowstorm hitting the Northeast.  We haven't gotten anything near like that down here, but it has been cold these last few days.  Yesterday morning, the official temp was 19'.  We've got a brief warming spell, then it's going to get cold again this coming weekend.  With that in mind, I got ahold of the guy and had him bring me another load of firewood, just so I wouldn't feel the need to be so stingy with it.  

When he delivered it, he even asked if I'd already run out, and I said, "No, I've got plenty left.  I just wanted to put another load up.  Just to be sure I don't run out."  We had another brief tussle about him wanting to cut a hole in my fence, so he didn't have to walk around to where I store my wood, so I finally just told him to stack it here by the side of the shed.

I've already started moving it back to where I want it, and will continue to do so over the next few days.  With this load, I should be set for the rest of this year, and on into the beginning of next fall.  However, I'm probably going to try to find someone else to buy wood from if this guy keeps trying to cut a hole in my fence.  Seriously, dude, what is wrong with you?  You're NOT cutting a (unwholesome word) hole in my fence!  Why would you even think something like that would be OK???

Sometime in the future, though, I hope to get that whole shed rebuilt, and when I do, I want to put a lean-to for my firewood right there on that side.  The other thing I want to do is pull all those chicken coops down, and make that into a lean-to also, for my gardening stuff.  I want to have a potting table and hooks for my tools, and everything.  

Speaking of gardening, I looked for some peat moss for my Venus Fly Trap when I went into town Friday, and they didn't have any.  It's still early in the season, though.  I'm sure they'll get some in soon. In the meantime, what I did find was this:

I can start my bluebonnet seeds!  I'll be sure to keep you updated.  

Well, this is already long enough, so I think I'll go ahead and publish this post, and write up a  couple of rough drafts for later.  That might make things a bit easier, until I get adjusted to the longer hours, that is.


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