Saturday, November 07, 2020


Yes, I know, it's been a while.  The sad part is, I've actually had stuff to say, just no motivation to say it, so this'll be a bit of a catch up post.  It'll be a bit long, and probably pretty disjointed, but bear with me. OK, are you ready?  Let's dive in...

First up, if you don't have the ibotta app, you're really missing out.  I know some of the deals aren't really deals -- like if you normally buy the $5 laundry detergent, but get the $8 laundry detergent so you can get the $1 rebate, you've actually lost two dollars.  But sometimes, there comes along something that is such a bargain you just can't pass it up.  They've got a special deal going on this month, and let me tell you what it is.  Do you see all this stuff?

Every bit of this stuff was absolutely free after the rebate.  Yes, you read that right.  Free.  Even that turkey breast.  Absolutely free!  If you do download the app, use my referral code:  lypnolp.  

Next up:  Let me give you an update on my cleaning efforts.  I've gotten all the lose yarn sorted and neatly stacked into the closet.  

 I offered all this yarn up for free, but the person who wanted it hasn't shown up, so I think I'm going to list it on FB.  

If you want it, let me know.  It's free to locals, and cost of shipping to anyone else. 

I still need to sort the project bags and get them squared away.  

And maybe finish some of these projects while I'm at it.  Or rip them out and use the yarn for something else.  This is a dishcloth I started several years ago, but ran out of yarn before I finished.  

I kept saying I was going to buy another ball of yarn and finish it, but I never did.  This afternoon, I finally broke down and ripped it all out.  I'll knit it into a smaller cloth and do this cloth with a full ball.  Of yarn, I mean.  

Wonder of wonders, I finally finished this scarf!  

I've only been working on it for three years.  I had originally cast on when I went to Missouri in '17 to see the eclipse, but earlier this year, I decided it was too narrow.  I ripped it all out and started over.  Now it's a bit wider, but still plenty long enough to wrap around my neck a couple of times.  I'm debating on keeping this one, even though I seldom wear scarves.  

Well, we finally had our first frost, so I brought all my outside plants inside, and went ahead and settled them into their winter home.

All of my Whatever Cacti are covered in buds.  It ought to be a glorious show when they start blooming. 

After I moved the gun cabinet out of my kitchen/dining area, I had a bit of a blank spot on the wall.  I finally found something to hang there:  

It fills the space nicely without being overwhelming. 

And finally, my latest eBay score arrived today.

There was a copy I'd been watching for a while now, but the guy wanted $50 for it.  Yeah, that's not going to happen.  Every so often, I'd log in and check to see if he'd lowered the price.  One day last week, as I was checking on it, I found another copy from a different seller.  This one wasn't still factory sealed, but it was only $15, so I ordered it. 

As soon as it arrived this morning, I dragged the ol' record player out and listened to it.  I was a bit worried, because it appeared to be pretty warped, but it sounded just fine. 

And with that, my record collection is complete.  

At least, it is until I find something else I want...

That's all for now, but I'll try to do better from here on. 

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