Saturday, November 28, 2020

I Got So Excited, I Forgot

Those of you who've been following my blog for a while already know I've rediscovered the allure of vinyl.  I'm always on the lookout for new records, and old records on ebay.  I was perusing the Walmart website, when I found a new Christmas record by one of my favorite bands.  It arrived a few days ago, and I got so excited that I pulled it out of the box, then ran and added it to my record collection and completely forgot to tell you about it.  So, here I am to tell you about it now.

Look!  I got a new record!  

I'd been looking at it on the Walmart website for a while, but had decided to see if I could find it at the local store before ordering it.  Alas, after looking through all the vinyl they had, it was nowhere to be found, so I broke down and ordered it.  I'm not sure what was going on the day it arrived, but just yesterday, I was playing it as I put out some of my Christmas decorations and realized I'd never told you about it.  So, I just did.

There, that is a thing you now know.   

Another thing I neglected to tell you about was, when Cody was here for Thanksgiving, I had him install a new door knob and deadbolt on my French Doors. 

The old knob was weird in that you could only turn the handle counterclockwise.  If you tried to turn it clockwise, it wouldn't move.  I'd gotten used to it, but it was still a bit annoying.  And funny watching Cody struggle to open the door...not that I would ever laugh at my son or anything...

I'm pleading the 5th...

I'd bought a couple of new knob and deadbolt sets a while back, but had never gotten around to putting them in, so I got Cody to do it for me.  He tried to do the car port door, too, but the deadbolt didn't fit. 

The knob fit just fine, but as you can see, the deadbolt is much farther from the edge of the door.  Cody tried and tried to jury rig it so that it would work, but he couldn't figure anything out.  We finally decided to put the old set back on, and I've put the new set aside, in hopes that one day, I'll be able to get that whole door replaced, including the framing. 

IF -- and it's a big if at that -- I can get a local contractor to actually show up...

I've spent the rest of the weekend putting away my Fall decorations and starting to put out Christmas stuff.  I apologize for bombarding you with tons of photos, but I'm such a dork, I can't remember from year to year where I put my decorations.  I have to take pictures so I'll know how to do it next year.  

OK, here we go...My entertainment center, right side.  

My Sarah Plain & Tall village. I'll also be lining up my Christmas cards on this little shelf.  

And the left side of my entertainment center:

I looked at Walmart for something to put on top of those bookshelves, but didn't really find I liked.  Well, I take that back.  They had a couple of light up villages I thought would work well, but they were a little more than I wanted to spend right now.  Maybe if I can find where I put it, I might put my Aunt Martha's ceramic light up tree on this side.  Of course, it won't light up because there isn't a plug handy right there.  

I've always wanted to put a garland or something on this sign.  For now, it's just got a little sprig of pine on it.  When I get through decorating, I'll see what I have that will look nice there, but not be overwhelming. 

My Fontanini.  Usually, I take that rooster clock down, but this year I didn't.  I might take those little lemon tree pictures down, though, and move the clock over to that nail on the right.  It might be a bit les cluttered looking if I did that. 

And finally, I had this great big blank wall over my chair, so I bought a couple of new things to hang there. 

I still haven't decided if I'm going to leave them both there.  I'm thinking I might move the Santa over to a hook beside my Christmas tree, move the poinsettia over to the right hand nail, and find something else to hang there.  I don't know.  I'm not good at decorating.  

Now, if you'll excuse me, the Iron Bowl is on, and the Egg Bowl is fixing to start.  Football is calling, and I must go...

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