Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

 Another Thanksgiving has come and gone.  It turned out it was just Cody and me after all, as his friends decided not to come.  I'm not sure why.  I told Cody to tell Tristan that I'd cleaned the bathroom and everything!  But it was OK.  I enjoyed spending the day with my son.

I think I finally got this turkey cooking thing down.  I dry brined it with salt, baking powder, and Chupacabra rub for about 36 hours, then slow cooked it at 250'.  It turned out so delicious, and tender!  There was one drawback, though.  I couldn't get a good photo of the turkey, because when I pulled the lid off the roaster, the whole thing had absolutely fallen off the bones. 

Cody had to take it out and put it onto the platter in pieces.  This was the first time I'd ever dry brined a bird, but it won't be the last, I can tell you that.  It was the best turkey I've ever made. 

Here we have the ubiquitous photo of Cody with the food. 

And here he is, carving the turkey. 

I guess my little man really is all grown up now.   Grown up enough to hang the outside lights without even needing a ladder. 

After putting those up, next we put up the tree.  Normally, I don't put my tree up until the day after Thanksgiving, but Cody has been missing out the last few years, having to work on Fridays, so we did it today.  

Back when I was a kid, my dad would always buy us a new ornament every year.  It's a tradition I've tried to keep up since I've been grown.  Most of the time, I find something pretty, or that I just like, but this year...

This year, I thought this one was appropriate. 

I'm thinking about getting a red sharpie and writing 2020 on there somewhere.  As if anyone could ever forget.  Anyway, the tree is done. 

I'll get the rest of my Christmas stuff out tomorrow and Saturday.  

That was our Thanksgiving.  Cody is back in Memphis now, loaded down with leftovers, and I'm watching cheesy Hallmark movies on TV.  

I hope you all had a very Happy Thanksgiving as well. 

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