Sunday, November 15, 2020

Random Thoughts Of My Blogiversary.

 1. It was fifteen years ago today, I wrote my very first blog post.  It was originally intended to be a place to post my quick sketches, so I chose the name Sketches And More.  Dumb, huh?  Over time, it expanded to include knitting, karate, and my general life.  I never figured I'd still be going after this long.  For those of you still reading, thank you for sticking with me. 

2.  I finished a sock yesterday.  

The pattern is Bubble Wrap from the now defunct Sockbug blog.  You can still get a PDF of this pattern through the Wayback Machine if you go to that site and search for it.  I won't link them here, though.  If you're a knitter, you probably know which site I'm talking about, and you also understand why I'm not linking.  

Wonder of wonders, I managed to avoid Second Sock Syndrome and cast on the other sock. 

3. It's been very beautiful weather wise this weekend. I've been able to keep my French Doors open all day and let the dogs come and go as they pleased.  They weren't the only ones who came and went.

I had me a little visitor drop by for a few minutes.  I believe it's a little wren. I turned off all the lights in the kitchen, and he soon found his way back outside.  It was fun while it lasted, though. 

4.  I caught a nice, fat rat in my live trap this morning.  I thought for a minute that I ought to kill him, but I didn't.  My heart got tender for just a minute, and I let him go. I may scatter some corn out for him tomorrow when I fill the squirrel feeder.  He needs to stay fat.  If things get really bad, he might become dinner.

5.  I'm not sure what's wrong with me lately.  Despite having all of these long weekends, I'm feeling tired and run down.  I don't have any interest in doing anything.  Between the pandemic, the elections, and the over active hurricane season, stress levels have been high this year.    Even I'm starting to feel it.  People asked me what I did for my birthday, and all I could say was "nothing."  All my family is out of state, and all my friends live in the computer, so what am I going to do?  I'm feeling the need to get together with Amy and Christi...soon.  What say, ladies?  Shall we make a day of it?  

6.  You might not get a Christmas concert next month.  I was stressing so much over getting these songs right that playing stopped being fun.   I had to start playing for my own enjoyment again.  It's kind of fun going back to my level 1 books and playing the simple stuff again. 

7.  Yesterday afternoon, while I was watching cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies, my friend texted me and said they'd fired the safety lady out at work.  I haven't found out why.  I wonder if it had something to do with the other firings a few weeks ago.  If I find anything out, I'll be sure to let you know.

8.  I guess that's about it for tonight. Goodnight, everybody. 

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