Monday, August 07, 2023


Monday, Monday...and that's all I have to say about that.  

Today started off with a big disappointment.  We'd been so certain they'd moved our supervisor to second shift, but no.  There he was this morning, late as usual, but still there. 

"I can't believe they haven't gotten rid of him yet," my coworker who shall remain nameless said. 

"No," I replied.  "They only get rid of the good supervisors.  They'll keep this one until the end of time.  Jesus will come back and he'll still be standing right there!"  

The good news is, it's been cloudy and rainy most of the day, so it didn't get as hot in the plant as it has been -- only 94° at my work area today instead of last week's 98°.  So that's a relief.   

Even better, I got home and found a surprise in my mailbox!  

It's from my friend Kristine, who has been on vacation.  Just a simple thing, but it brought a smile to my face.  Thank you, Kristine!  

She mentioned how hard it is to find postcards these days, and she's not wrong.  Back when I was going to send some to my overseas pen pals, I looked all over town and couldn't find a single postcard.  I ended up having to order some on Amazon.  What's more, I had to get a pack of 20 -- two packs to be exact, with two different designs-- so now I have a bunch of leftover postcards.  Hmmmm, I probably ought to send some out and surprise people with them.  

Not much else has gone on since last we spoke.  Or rather, since last I typed and you read.  I did get a few more herbs ground and bottled. 

I'm going to have to slow down for a while and give my herbs a chance to grow again.  I've cut them back pretty hard, plus the heat has been really tough on some of them.  Still, there's a long while yet in the growing season; first frost doesn't usually come until November, so I ought to be able to harvest enough for a few Christmas gifts, plus tea for me.  

Also, I finished a hat.   

Then I knit another hat.  No they are not the same hat.  Just out of the same yarn.  

Oh, I forgot to mentioned, the second book of the Whimbrel House series was on Kindle Daily deals a few days ago, so I got it and started reading it.  I'm only 20% in, but it's pretty good so far.  I'm still reading the Variant series as well.  

Completely changing the subject, not being able to afford groceries last week has led me to discover some stuff in my freezer that probably should have been tossed a long time ago.  I found some hot dogs from 2021, and though they probably would have been safe to eat, they were so freezer burned they wouldn't have tasted very good.  I also found three -- yes three-- rotisserie chickens from Walmart.  I have one thawing out now, and will make chicken salad when I get home tomorrow.  I really need to be more diligent in turning over my frozen foods.  

And finally, we got a little rain yesterday, and I got so excited, I videoed it. 

Now, if you'll excuse me, I really must go practice my piano.  I've gotten a bit lax lately and need to get back into the discipline of regular practice.  


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