Last month, when I went to the fiber festival in Oxford, I forgot to bring Suzette. She has not let me live that down, so I made doubly sure to bring her with me today.
And where were we going this chilly February morning? To Vicksburg, to Fiber Fun In The 'Sip!
We had a bit of a rough start, though. To begin with, when I was programming the route into my GPS, it wouldn't let me get onto the Natchez Trace at Ridgeland. Well, at least I couldn't figure out how to get it to do that. What I had to do was to end the route when I got to Ridgeland, then start a new route, choosing the Trace from Ridgeland to Clinton.
That way, I could avoid Jackson. I'll avoid Jackson any way I can.
So, finally I made it to Vicksburg -- and truth be told, I knew how to get there. I still like using my GPS so I'll know how much longer the trip is going to be. But anyway, I finally made it there and the first thing I noticed is that she did not have enough tables and chairs set up in the Sit 'n Stitch area.
I saw one empty table, but there were a couple of coats draped over some of the chairs, so I walked around the vendor area a bit. When I got back to the table, there was still no one there, so I sat down anyway. Without thinking, I set my project bag in the chair next to me, and the entire chair collapsed, dumping my bag and spilling all of the water from my cup -- which for some reason I'd put into my bag.
Everything in my bag was soaked, along with the chair and a good bit of the floor. I got some paper towels from the bathroom and cleaned it up as best I could, then pulled out my hat to begin knitting while waiting to see if any of the gang would show up.
That's when I discovered that my brand spanking new needle had snapped in half.
It was at this point, I wanted to throw in the towel and just go home, but I didn't. The only thing I can figure is that when the bag fell, my cup landed on the needle and broke it. Luckily, I had packed two projects, so I just pulled the other one out.
After a few moments, I got up and took another turn about the room, and when I got back, someone else was sitting in the chair I'd recently vacated. I sat down in the chair next to her and said, "Do you mind if I crash your party?" She said no, we introduced ourselves-- her name is Elaine --, and were soon joined by her friend Jo and I had some people to talk to until Amy got there.
We knew Christi wasn't coming, because for some strange reason, she'd rather spend the day at her grandkids' birthday party than with us. What's up with that? I mean, really!
I wasn't sure if Leann was planning on coming, though. When I saw her in Oxford, she'd said she wanted to, but I guess she wasn't able to make it. I sure hope she didn't drive all the way down from Memphis only to arrive after we'd left!
So, after visiting a moment, Amy and I got up and visited the vendor booths, and she bought a couple of things, but I didn't buy anything. I think it's because I'd just bought a bunch of yarn in Oxford, plus putting all that yarn into the boxes yesterday made me realize how much I already had. I just couldn't bring myself to spend any more money. In the end, I only came home with the shopping bag they hand out at the door,
and two mini sheep one booth was giving away for free.
They had a 3-D printer going, and it was pretty nifty to watch. When we got back to the table, Elaine and Jo were gone, and two more people were sitting at the table, so we joined them. All too soon, Amy said she had to leave and run some errands, and I left soon after she did.
Just about the time we left, Other Amy and Christi's friends Jane and Kate -- whom I'd met in Oxford -- arrived, so we said hi and bye and just like that, it was over for another year. To be honest, I haven't missed a single one since they started doing FFITS back in 2018, but this might be my last time going.
Every year, there are fewer and fewer vendors, and the classes...well, it seems like there are fewer of them as well. And I'm not sure going in February will work out for me. I'd much rather have it in September. I don't know...I mean, it's not like I have a lot of festivals to compare it with, since Vicksburg and Oxford are the only ones I've ever been to. I know she works hard at getting it all organized, but it just feels like something is missing.
In other news, Houston, we have a problem. Yes, Brennan did just give me a huge pack of stationery for Christmas, but when this came back in stock, I couldn't pass it up.
I even bought a matching wax stamp.
So, what's the problem? What am I going to do with all that stationery? All the pen pals I used to have have quit writing, except one from Australia. I need more pen pals!
And finally, I moved my fire pit back out of the shed, and put my Adirondack chair and table out there by it.
Maybe tomorrow, I'll light me a fire, sit out there and write a letter to my Australian pen pal.