Boy howdy, I am tired. I know y'all must be tired of me complaining about how tired I am, but by golly, I'm tired. Not just tired. Tahrd. That's tired in Southern. Which is what I am. Southern. And tired.
I have no idea where I'm going with this. I just hope it's reasonably coherent. But I'm not holding my breath on that.
I did managed to get the front and side yards mowed before the next round of storms got here, so there is that. It wasn't even that hot, but the humidity was 90%, so I ended up drenched in sweat anyway. By the way, does anyone know how to kill Creeping Charlie without killing my grass? Nothing I've tried so far is working, and the stuff is taking over my yard.
The other day, Boss Man told me not to be putting his name out there like that -- on the blog, so from now on, he shall be known as The Boss Who Must Not Be Named.
Speaking of work, this week has been rough. It's the last week of the month, and all the partial orders that have been sitting in the floor for the last three weeks had to get picked up. I swear, I've brazed at least 30 partials in the last three days! They're a real pain, because you have to stop what you're doing, to braze one or two headers. I told them if they brought me any more, I was going to scream. Not really. But I felt like it.
After work today, I ran into Walmart. While I was walking down the the clearance, I found these two pictures.
I thought they'd fit in with my rustic theme in my living room. Not sure where I'm going to hang them, yet, but I'll figure something out. Then I found a bunch more yarn for charity hats, also on clearance. As if I don't have enough already, I got four skeins.
I love that gray heather yarn. It's nice and soft, and makes great looking hats. I guess I need to get busy knitting.
Speaking of knitting, I signed up for my classes at Fiber Fun In The 'Sip. I'm taking a Zoom Loom class. My friend Christi took it last year, and she made the neatest little squares with scrap yarn. The other class I'm taking is Tibetan Spindling. I've never had a real spindle before. I've always made my own out of Sculpey clay. They're functional, but crude. It'll be nice to have a real one, and you get a nostepinne, too.
The only thing I have left to do is book the dogs their hotel. Also known as the vet. I tried to do it when I went to get their flea and tick stuff, but she said they don't make appointments that far in advance. I'll try again towards the end of August.
Well, I need to get off here and practice my guitar a minute before going to bed. If I'm not too tired to lift my arms, that is.
Saturday, June 29, 2019
Friday, June 28, 2019
Operation Red Wings
The blog will be observing a day of silence for those brave men who lost their lives June 28, 2005 during Operation Red Wings.
Never forget them.

LT Michael P. Murphy

ST2 Matthew Axelson

GM2 Danny Dietz

FTC Jacques J. Fontan

RMCS Daniel R. Healy

LCDR Erik S. Kristensen

ET1 Jeffery A. Lucas

LT Michael M. McGreevy, Jr.

QM2 James E. Suh

HM1 Jeffrey S. Taylor

MM2 Shane E. Patton

SSG Shamus O. Goare

CWO3 Corey J. Goodnature

SGT Kip A. Jacoby

SFC Marcus V. Muralles

MSG James W. Ponder III

MAJ Stephen C. Reich

SFC Michael L. Russell

CWO4 Chris J. Scherkenbach
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Dear Coworker
I'm not sure whose attention you are trying to catch by playing Shave and a Haircut over and over and over on your forklift horn, but let me assure you, it's not working. In fact, it's probably having the opposite effect than what you desire.
Seriously dude. It wasn't even cute the first time.
Anybody did it.
So stop it. Just stop.
Thank you.
That is all.
For those of you new to the blog, I have a whole series of Dear Coworker posts. You can find them by clicking the label either at the bottom of this post, or in the right sidebar.
Seriously dude. It wasn't even cute the first time.
Anybody did it.
So stop it. Just stop.
Thank you.
That is all.
For those of you new to the blog, I have a whole series of Dear Coworker posts. You can find them by clicking the label either at the bottom of this post, or in the right sidebar.
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Drunken Sailor
Dear place of employment,
The reason I'm staggering like a drunken sailor has nothing whatsoever to do with alcohol. It has to do with exhaustion!
Seriously, people! Now, they've upped our weekend hours.
Instead of 10 on Friday and 8 on Saturday, we're working 12 on Friday and 10 on Saturday. Boss Man said he tried to argue them out of it, telling them they were wearing us out, but they don't care. They aren't the ones who'll have to come in. No, they'll be at home in their air conditioning with their feet propped up in front of the TV. It's just us peons who have to work those long, long hours.
By the way, we lost another HR person this month. Our turnover rate in the HR department, on a per capita basis, is just as high as it is on the factory floor. That's how you know you have problems in your hierarchy.
Me, I'm just thinking, the more hours I work, the faster I get that credit card paid off and get some savings built up, and the sooner I get my hiney out of that hell hole. And that's not what I really wanted to say, but I've had to repent too many unwholesome words here lately as it is.
So, I walked into work this morning, and saw a box with a somewhat cryptic message on it.
If you know me at all, you know exactly what I had to do.
The message was repeated on the inside,
so, naturally, I had to touch it repeatedly.
Because that's just who I am.
By the way, that's not a sweater I'm wearing. Those are arm guards we are required to wear. They are hot and itchy, and frankly, I'd rather risk getting burned than have to be miserable in those things for 12 hours at a time.
The reason I'm staggering like a drunken sailor has nothing whatsoever to do with alcohol. It has to do with exhaustion!
Seriously, people! Now, they've upped our weekend hours.
Instead of 10 on Friday and 8 on Saturday, we're working 12 on Friday and 10 on Saturday. Boss Man said he tried to argue them out of it, telling them they were wearing us out, but they don't care. They aren't the ones who'll have to come in. No, they'll be at home in their air conditioning with their feet propped up in front of the TV. It's just us peons who have to work those long, long hours.
By the way, we lost another HR person this month. Our turnover rate in the HR department, on a per capita basis, is just as high as it is on the factory floor. That's how you know you have problems in your hierarchy.
Me, I'm just thinking, the more hours I work, the faster I get that credit card paid off and get some savings built up, and the sooner I get my hiney out of that hell hole. And that's not what I really wanted to say, but I've had to repent too many unwholesome words here lately as it is.
So, I walked into work this morning, and saw a box with a somewhat cryptic message on it.
If you know me at all, you know exactly what I had to do.
The message was repeated on the inside,
so, naturally, I had to touch it repeatedly.
Because that's just who I am.
By the way, that's not a sweater I'm wearing. Those are arm guards we are required to wear. They are hot and itchy, and frankly, I'd rather risk getting burned than have to be miserable in those things for 12 hours at a time.
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Music Corner
The long awaited guitar instruction book has finally arrived.
I glanced through it, and quickly realized it was not the same book I had before, so this will be a new adventure. The good thing about it, it teaches individual notes, not just chords. Even better, I found videos on YouTube that accompany the lessons, so that'll be a big help! If I'd had videos the first time around, I might not have quit.
Then again, I was still a single mom of a small child, so I might have anyway. Once Cody started school, there just never seemed to be enough time -- or energy-- for guitar practice.
I still don't know if I'm out of my mind or not, taking up two instruments at once. If you find me curled up in the fetal position, muttering incoherent things about guitars and pianos, you'll know why.
Also arriving today was my keyboard stand. I quickly put it together,
and created a music nest in the corner of my living room.
It is so much more comfortable sitting in a chair to play than standing in front of my cabinet. The keyboard is still just a mite high, so I'll be ordering a stool soon, as well. You might never get me off the piano then.
I've got my guitar propped in the corner behind my chair, so all I have to do is reach around and pick it up.
I suppose I'll need to get a proper stand for it next.
By the way, I got in trouble once when I was 5th grade. We were supposed to be studying English, but I got bored. I pushed my books aside and began playing my favorite piano piece on the desk. I got quite a ways into it, too, until the teacher reminded me we aren't supposed to be playing the piano in English class.
I was reminded of that today at work, when I pushed aside my headers and began playing the piano on my brazing stand.
Don't read this, Boss Man.
I'm pleading the 5th.
I glanced through it, and quickly realized it was not the same book I had before, so this will be a new adventure. The good thing about it, it teaches individual notes, not just chords. Even better, I found videos on YouTube that accompany the lessons, so that'll be a big help! If I'd had videos the first time around, I might not have quit.
Then again, I was still a single mom of a small child, so I might have anyway. Once Cody started school, there just never seemed to be enough time -- or energy-- for guitar practice.
I still don't know if I'm out of my mind or not, taking up two instruments at once. If you find me curled up in the fetal position, muttering incoherent things about guitars and pianos, you'll know why.
Also arriving today was my keyboard stand. I quickly put it together,
and created a music nest in the corner of my living room.
It is so much more comfortable sitting in a chair to play than standing in front of my cabinet. The keyboard is still just a mite high, so I'll be ordering a stool soon, as well. You might never get me off the piano then.
I've got my guitar propped in the corner behind my chair, so all I have to do is reach around and pick it up.
I suppose I'll need to get a proper stand for it next.
By the way, I got in trouble once when I was 5th grade. We were supposed to be studying English, but I got bored. I pushed my books aside and began playing my favorite piano piece on the desk. I got quite a ways into it, too, until the teacher reminded me we aren't supposed to be playing the piano in English class.
I was reminded of that today at work, when I pushed aside my headers and began playing the piano on my brazing stand.
Don't read this, Boss Man.
I'm pleading the 5th.
Monday, June 24, 2019
Monday Miscellany
1. Sigh, still no guitar book. I checked the status on Amazon, and it said it was delivered. Nope, it's not here. I go to USPS website and enter the tracking number. It says the package was held at the post office at my request. Nope again. I never requested it be held there. I scheduled a re delivery request. I noticed a couple of new puppies wandering up and down the road, so I requested the carrier leave it inside my glass door in my car port if it doesn't fit in the box. So hopefully, I'll get it tomorrow -- and not chewed up.
2. I finished my second virtual race, and got my medal.
It's big, and heavy, just like the first one, and has a satin ribbon. OK, it's probably polyester or something, but it's satiny feeling. I was impressed with the detail in this one.
It's hard to get a good picture of it, though. I'm going to have to come up with a place to display these, because yes, I've already signed up for a third race. This one is King Arthur, and it takes you on a virtual route through North Cornwall, England. That's where my white headed shanty men are from. I was hoping it'd go through their little village, but no, the route is farther east. It does end up at Tentagel, so that's cool.
3. I broke down and ordered a keyboard stand. Practicing with it on the bar was starting to hurt my back. Heh, I was practicing this afternoon and was so tired, I sat on my barstool. Since I'm short, My feet were swinging. I laughed and said, "I feel like a little kid again, with my feet not reaching the floor."
4. I forgot what I was going to put here.
5. Your PSA for today: when you are going to take a bath and decide to put on your YouTube playlist of your white headed shanty men, do it before you take your pants off. You're Welcome.
6. I got a message from one of my English pen pals. She received my letter, finally. She said, "We ought to get on quite well." Yippee! I've also got one from Czech Republic that I need to write to. I'd better get started.
7. I still need to practice my guitar, so I'd better end this and get to it. Plus, I want to go over my piano music one more time before bed. I'm thinking of setting my alarm 10 minutes earlier, so I can practice some in the morning before work.
8. Y'all apparently like my story of being chased across the parking lot, judging by the number of hits that post got. I've got more stories on the way! Or maybe I'll just need to get that book written after all.
9. Good night.
2. I finished my second virtual race, and got my medal.
It's big, and heavy, just like the first one, and has a satin ribbon. OK, it's probably polyester or something, but it's satiny feeling. I was impressed with the detail in this one.
It's hard to get a good picture of it, though. I'm going to have to come up with a place to display these, because yes, I've already signed up for a third race. This one is King Arthur, and it takes you on a virtual route through North Cornwall, England. That's where my white headed shanty men are from. I was hoping it'd go through their little village, but no, the route is farther east. It does end up at Tentagel, so that's cool.
3. I broke down and ordered a keyboard stand. Practicing with it on the bar was starting to hurt my back. Heh, I was practicing this afternoon and was so tired, I sat on my barstool. Since I'm short, My feet were swinging. I laughed and said, "I feel like a little kid again, with my feet not reaching the floor."
4. I forgot what I was going to put here.
5. Your PSA for today: when you are going to take a bath and decide to put on your YouTube playlist of your white headed shanty men, do it before you take your pants off. You're Welcome.
6. I got a message from one of my English pen pals. She received my letter, finally. She said, "We ought to get on quite well." Yippee! I've also got one from Czech Republic that I need to write to. I'd better get started.
7. I still need to practice my guitar, so I'd better end this and get to it. Plus, I want to go over my piano music one more time before bed. I'm thinking of setting my alarm 10 minutes earlier, so I can practice some in the morning before work.
8. Y'all apparently like my story of being chased across the parking lot, judging by the number of hits that post got. I've got more stories on the way! Or maybe I'll just need to get that book written after all.
9. Good night.
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Saturday, June 22, 2019
One Of These Days
I was a bit disappointed when I got home from work. The guitar book I'd ordered was supposed to get here today, only it wasn't here. Sigh...At least I'll have something to look forward to Monday, I guess.
Beverly and James pulled through and stayed a couple of days on their way to Tennessee. They were going to spend a couple of days in Memphis visiting Cody, then go on to see all the grandkids in...I can't remember where they live. I ran by after work to visit with them a bit.
They've got a nice, new camper. It's got recliners in it. Seriously. I was sitting in one, Beverly was filling me in on all the family gossip, and I was
the whole time. I finally got up to go, and said, "One of these days, we're going to have a good visit. Today is not that day."
I told them the kind of hours the plant has us on, and James said, "Good night!" He wasn't wishing me pleasant dreams, either.
I went on and did my little bit of shopping, then came on home. You know you live a sad life when the most exciting thing that happens is you get new sandals.
I don't buy new shoes that often, other than work boots that is, but it was time. I can't even remember how long I'd had my last pair, and probably should have gotten rid of them after discovering that the cat had been peeing on them. But no, I just washed them and kept on wearing them.
I had an idea for another chapter in my autobiography. It's going to deal with all these people who think I need to be fixed up, or married off. There are several tales I'm going to tell, but I'll just share this one with you now. Bear in mind, this is rough draft form. OK, here we go.
Back in the day, there was a lady who worked out at the plant with us. Her name was Betty. Something was seriously wrong with her, I'm telling ya. Everything anyone had ever done, she'd done it too, and she'd done it better. For example, I'd mentioned to her I wanted to get Cody in karate when he was a little older. He was 4ish at the time. She said, "Oh, I can teach him karate. I'm a black belt."
Another time, she said she'd bought some land from the Corps of Engineers and was building a house right on the lake. I asked around, and the Corps hadn't sold any land -- especially not any waterfront property.
She was constantly bragging about how much money they had. She told me her husband was the captain of the Exxon Valdez -- but not the one who spilled all that oil up in Alaska. He's the other one. I asked her once, if her husband has so much money, why is she working in a factory for $10 an hour? She said it was to get away from her kids, because they think she's their do girl.
Anyway, after I'd known her a few years, she decided I needed to be fixed up with her husband's...nephew? Brother? I don't remember. He was some kin of her husband, and she decided we needed to get together. She asked me for my phone number to give to him, but after talking to him a few times, I came to the conclusion he just wasn't right for me.
Not too much later, she stopped me on the way out of the plant at the end of our shift and asked, "Are you ready to meet Delaney?" That was his name.
I said, "No, I just don't think he's right for me."
She said, "Well, he's ready to meet you, and he's waiting outside."
What the heck??? She actually tried to grab me by the arm and pull me outside. It was quite a sight, me running in circles trying to get away from her, and her chasing me around the plant. I finally got enough of a head start, and burst out the door, practically running across the parking lot to my car.
Betty came out side and shouted, "THERE SHE IS! THAT'S HER!!!!" pointing at me.
Now, I would think if the person you are supposed to meet is running away from you, it should be a pretty strong hint, but this guy just didn't get it.
I'm scuttling across the parking lot as fast as I can, and Delaney comes bounding along behind me. I make it to my car, get in, lock the door, and start the engine. I almost made it. Just as I was about to pull out and drive off, there he is, knocking on my driver's side window.
I only wish I could find the words to adequately describe the look on my face...
He gestures for me to roll down the window, which I do part way, and reluctantly. I don't even remember what he was talking about. I listened to him yammer for a moment, then said,
"I ain't got time to talk right now. I've got to go cut my grass."
Honest and for true.
Look for it on Amazon -- someday...Imaginary Husbands Don't Cut Real Grass.
It'll be a best seller.
Beverly and James pulled through and stayed a couple of days on their way to Tennessee. They were going to spend a couple of days in Memphis visiting Cody, then go on to see all the grandkids in...I can't remember where they live. I ran by after work to visit with them a bit.
They've got a nice, new camper. It's got recliners in it. Seriously. I was sitting in one, Beverly was filling me in on all the family gossip, and I was
the whole time. I finally got up to go, and said, "One of these days, we're going to have a good visit. Today is not that day."
I told them the kind of hours the plant has us on, and James said, "Good night!" He wasn't wishing me pleasant dreams, either.
I went on and did my little bit of shopping, then came on home. You know you live a sad life when the most exciting thing that happens is you get new sandals.
I don't buy new shoes that often, other than work boots that is, but it was time. I can't even remember how long I'd had my last pair, and probably should have gotten rid of them after discovering that the cat had been peeing on them. But no, I just washed them and kept on wearing them.
I had an idea for another chapter in my autobiography. It's going to deal with all these people who think I need to be fixed up, or married off. There are several tales I'm going to tell, but I'll just share this one with you now. Bear in mind, this is rough draft form. OK, here we go.
Back in the day, there was a lady who worked out at the plant with us. Her name was Betty. Something was seriously wrong with her, I'm telling ya. Everything anyone had ever done, she'd done it too, and she'd done it better. For example, I'd mentioned to her I wanted to get Cody in karate when he was a little older. He was 4ish at the time. She said, "Oh, I can teach him karate. I'm a black belt."
Another time, she said she'd bought some land from the Corps of Engineers and was building a house right on the lake. I asked around, and the Corps hadn't sold any land -- especially not any waterfront property.
She was constantly bragging about how much money they had. She told me her husband was the captain of the Exxon Valdez -- but not the one who spilled all that oil up in Alaska. He's the other one. I asked her once, if her husband has so much money, why is she working in a factory for $10 an hour? She said it was to get away from her kids, because they think she's their do girl.
Anyway, after I'd known her a few years, she decided I needed to be fixed up with her husband's...nephew? Brother? I don't remember. He was some kin of her husband, and she decided we needed to get together. She asked me for my phone number to give to him, but after talking to him a few times, I came to the conclusion he just wasn't right for me.
Not too much later, she stopped me on the way out of the plant at the end of our shift and asked, "Are you ready to meet Delaney?" That was his name.
I said, "No, I just don't think he's right for me."
She said, "Well, he's ready to meet you, and he's waiting outside."
What the heck??? She actually tried to grab me by the arm and pull me outside. It was quite a sight, me running in circles trying to get away from her, and her chasing me around the plant. I finally got enough of a head start, and burst out the door, practically running across the parking lot to my car.
Betty came out side and shouted, "THERE SHE IS! THAT'S HER!!!!" pointing at me.
Now, I would think if the person you are supposed to meet is running away from you, it should be a pretty strong hint, but this guy just didn't get it.
I'm scuttling across the parking lot as fast as I can, and Delaney comes bounding along behind me. I make it to my car, get in, lock the door, and start the engine. I almost made it. Just as I was about to pull out and drive off, there he is, knocking on my driver's side window.
I only wish I could find the words to adequately describe the look on my face...
He gestures for me to roll down the window, which I do part way, and reluctantly. I don't even remember what he was talking about. I listened to him yammer for a moment, then said,
"I ain't got time to talk right now. I've got to go cut my grass."
Honest and for true.
Look for it on Amazon -- someday...Imaginary Husbands Don't Cut Real Grass.
It'll be a best seller.
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Pretty Hairy
Remember I said yesterday I took my flags down because it was supposed to storm last night? Yeah, I wasn't kidding, either. Things got pretty hairy there for a while, but we made it through unscathed.

I've heard tell a tornado touched down just a few miles down the road, but I haven't been able to confirm it. I know several warnings were issued, but I don't know if there were any actually on the ground or not. We got some pretty stout straight line winds, though, that's for sure. I've seen reports of gusts up to 55 MPH up around Tupelo. There were trees and limbs down, and power outages all over the viewing area. I heard they affected some 14,000 residences.
My power went out just after 11:00 last night, which woke me up. I thought surely they'd have it back on by the time I got up for work, and eventually drifted back off to sleep. However, when the alarm went off this morning, it still wasn't back on. I briefly wondered if that was a good enough excuse to call in sick, but then remembered -- attendance bonus, and got on up.
There, in the pitch blackness, I reached for the little battery operated lantern I keep beside the bed for just such an occasion. It wasn't there. I got out of bed and hit the button on my phone, and by the light of my screen, looked for the lantern again. Still not there. Then I remembered, I'd put it into my bug out bag.
Not wanting to drag that thing out of the closet, I used my phone light to go and get my Harvey Lantern out of Cody's gun cabinet. I call it my Harvey Lantern, because I bought it after hurricane Harvey went through, and I was without power most of the next day. I searched high and low for one of the multitude of lanterns and lamps I'd bought for Cub Scout camping trips, but couldn't find a single one. I said, "This is not going to happen again."
The next day, I went to the store and bought the biggest, brightest lantern I could find. And promptly dubbed it my Harvey Lantern.
So...I got my Harvey Lantern out, and got dressed by lantern light. There wasn't anything I could do about my hair, so I went to work looking just a bit like Bozo the Clown. I was hoping beyond hope the power would be out at the plant, but no such luck.
It was while I was at the computer at work, printing out my daily schedule, when it hit me. See if you can spot it.
Yep, right there on my nightstand. My weather radio, with its super bright flashlight and fully charged battery.
Sigh, all I can do is blame lack of sleep. It's my go - to excuse these days.
They finally got the power restored around 2:30 ish or so. I got the message while I was on break, and my first thought was, "Yay! That'll give the air conditioner time to cool the house down before I get home." My second thought was, "I'll be able to play the piano, too!"
Believe it or not, standing there in the dark, with no electricity, at 2:45 this morning, I was practicing my piano. I couldn't turn it on, but by golly, I was hitting those keys nonetheless!
Since getting that piano, my interest in my guitar has severely waned. I'm going to go ahead and order that book, hoping it'll perk my desire to play back up. I'm afraid that if I put it down now, I'll never pick it back up again.
Now, I'm going to go run through my chords at least, and a few strumming patterns before bed.

I've heard tell a tornado touched down just a few miles down the road, but I haven't been able to confirm it. I know several warnings were issued, but I don't know if there were any actually on the ground or not. We got some pretty stout straight line winds, though, that's for sure. I've seen reports of gusts up to 55 MPH up around Tupelo. There were trees and limbs down, and power outages all over the viewing area. I heard they affected some 14,000 residences.
My power went out just after 11:00 last night, which woke me up. I thought surely they'd have it back on by the time I got up for work, and eventually drifted back off to sleep. However, when the alarm went off this morning, it still wasn't back on. I briefly wondered if that was a good enough excuse to call in sick, but then remembered -- attendance bonus, and got on up.
There, in the pitch blackness, I reached for the little battery operated lantern I keep beside the bed for just such an occasion. It wasn't there. I got out of bed and hit the button on my phone, and by the light of my screen, looked for the lantern again. Still not there. Then I remembered, I'd put it into my bug out bag.
Not wanting to drag that thing out of the closet, I used my phone light to go and get my Harvey Lantern out of Cody's gun cabinet. I call it my Harvey Lantern, because I bought it after hurricane Harvey went through, and I was without power most of the next day. I searched high and low for one of the multitude of lanterns and lamps I'd bought for Cub Scout camping trips, but couldn't find a single one. I said, "This is not going to happen again."
The next day, I went to the store and bought the biggest, brightest lantern I could find. And promptly dubbed it my Harvey Lantern.
So...I got my Harvey Lantern out, and got dressed by lantern light. There wasn't anything I could do about my hair, so I went to work looking just a bit like Bozo the Clown. I was hoping beyond hope the power would be out at the plant, but no such luck.
It was while I was at the computer at work, printing out my daily schedule, when it hit me. See if you can spot it.
Yep, right there on my nightstand. My weather radio, with its super bright flashlight and fully charged battery.
Sigh, all I can do is blame lack of sleep. It's my go - to excuse these days.
They finally got the power restored around 2:30 ish or so. I got the message while I was on break, and my first thought was, "Yay! That'll give the air conditioner time to cool the house down before I get home." My second thought was, "I'll be able to play the piano, too!"
Believe it or not, standing there in the dark, with no electricity, at 2:45 this morning, I was practicing my piano. I couldn't turn it on, but by golly, I was hitting those keys nonetheless!
Since getting that piano, my interest in my guitar has severely waned. I'm going to go ahead and order that book, hoping it'll perk my desire to play back up. I'm afraid that if I put it down now, I'll never pick it back up again.
Now, I'm going to go run through my chords at least, and a few strumming patterns before bed.
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Half Day Off
As I left for work this morning, I told my piano, "I have a half day vacation, so we'll have lots of quality time together this afternoon." I'd planned on practicing a bit, then spending the rest of the afternoon watching TV and knitting. It didn't work out that way.
I came home, and just as yesterday, made a bee line for the piano. Well, first I let the dogs out, then I made a bee line for the piano. I practiced. I went and changed clothes, and practiced some more. I checked my e-mail, then practiced still more. I also spent a few minutes practicing my guitar -- before going back to practicing my piano.
I've decided I need to get a guitar book or something. Those YouTube videos help, but I think I need a more structured instructional method. I've been looking around on Amazon, reading reviews and such. I think I've decided on this one.
It seemed to get the best reviews, and I think it might be the book I had before, when I first started trying to learn how to play. I don't remember, though. It got wet and I tossed it. That was back when I'd given up trying to learn that ghastly instrument. I got frustrated trying to learn the chords -- kind of like I'm doing right now. I'm determined to stick with it this time, because I really want to be able to play.
On the other hand, I'm thinking, "What am I getting myself in to, trying to learn two instruments at the same time?" Especially with a job that seems determined to kill us all by working us to death.
I've also been researching keyboard stands. It's just not working sitting on my bar. It's too high for me to play comfortably -- even standing up. It's really too high if I sit on my bar stool. I'm glad now I didn't order the set with the stand, as almost all of the reviews say it's too flimsy, and the X frame gets in the way of your knees when you are trying to play. I'm now looking at what they call Z frames, which are getting much better reviews. The catch is, they're also more expensive. However, barring any unforeseen disasters, I'll have another attendance bonus coming in a couple of weeks -- plus a 6 month bonus, which is an entire day's pay (should I choose that option). That should cover the cost of it, and a stool as well.
Good Lord willing and the creek don't rise.
The only other significant thing I did on my half day off is to finally get my Texas flag hung.
The Lone Star is now in its proper place, right beside Old Glory.
Then I promptly took them both down, since it's supposed to storm tonight. Again...
In work news, I have a feeling the fecal matter is about to hit the rotating object in regards to Brazing Boss. We've long suspected he's been fudging the leak rate numbers, and it all boiled over yesterday. Stalker came over and started ridiculing one of the brazers, saying she'd left 7 leaks in one hour. She went over and asked the guy who is supposed to test and record leaks, and he said he hadn't even had any of her work going down the line. Even Supervisor looked it up in the computer and confirmed it. That line hadn't run any of her work since 9:00, so how was she leaving a bunch of leaks between 1:00 and 2:00?
Group Leader told her to go to HR, but nobody expects them to do anything. I said I'd stand up for her if she did, because the same thing has happened to me more than once. Yesterday, in fact. They'd finished all my work by 7:00, and didn't pick up another one of my orders until nearly 2:00, so how did I leave 7 leaks between those times?
I said I just don't even worry about those leak rates at all. I figure if they are really concerned about leaks, they'll fix some of the problems we complain about every single day instead of just pointing fingers.
Well, if I'm going to practice my piano a bit more before bed, I'd better get off here.
I came home, and just as yesterday, made a bee line for the piano. Well, first I let the dogs out, then I made a bee line for the piano. I practiced. I went and changed clothes, and practiced some more. I checked my e-mail, then practiced still more. I also spent a few minutes practicing my guitar -- before going back to practicing my piano.
I've decided I need to get a guitar book or something. Those YouTube videos help, but I think I need a more structured instructional method. I've been looking around on Amazon, reading reviews and such. I think I've decided on this one.
It seemed to get the best reviews, and I think it might be the book I had before, when I first started trying to learn how to play. I don't remember, though. It got wet and I tossed it. That was back when I'd given up trying to learn that ghastly instrument. I got frustrated trying to learn the chords -- kind of like I'm doing right now. I'm determined to stick with it this time, because I really want to be able to play.
On the other hand, I'm thinking, "What am I getting myself in to, trying to learn two instruments at the same time?" Especially with a job that seems determined to kill us all by working us to death.
I've also been researching keyboard stands. It's just not working sitting on my bar. It's too high for me to play comfortably -- even standing up. It's really too high if I sit on my bar stool. I'm glad now I didn't order the set with the stand, as almost all of the reviews say it's too flimsy, and the X frame gets in the way of your knees when you are trying to play. I'm now looking at what they call Z frames, which are getting much better reviews. The catch is, they're also more expensive. However, barring any unforeseen disasters, I'll have another attendance bonus coming in a couple of weeks -- plus a 6 month bonus, which is an entire day's pay (should I choose that option). That should cover the cost of it, and a stool as well.
Good Lord willing and the creek don't rise.
The only other significant thing I did on my half day off is to finally get my Texas flag hung.
The Lone Star is now in its proper place, right beside Old Glory.
Then I promptly took them both down, since it's supposed to storm tonight. Again...
In work news, I have a feeling the fecal matter is about to hit the rotating object in regards to Brazing Boss. We've long suspected he's been fudging the leak rate numbers, and it all boiled over yesterday. Stalker came over and started ridiculing one of the brazers, saying she'd left 7 leaks in one hour. She went over and asked the guy who is supposed to test and record leaks, and he said he hadn't even had any of her work going down the line. Even Supervisor looked it up in the computer and confirmed it. That line hadn't run any of her work since 9:00, so how was she leaving a bunch of leaks between 1:00 and 2:00?
Group Leader told her to go to HR, but nobody expects them to do anything. I said I'd stand up for her if she did, because the same thing has happened to me more than once. Yesterday, in fact. They'd finished all my work by 7:00, and didn't pick up another one of my orders until nearly 2:00, so how did I leave 7 leaks between those times?
I said I just don't even worry about those leak rates at all. I figure if they are really concerned about leaks, they'll fix some of the problems we complain about every single day instead of just pointing fingers.
Well, if I'm going to practice my piano a bit more before bed, I'd better get off here.
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Bad Mom
I'm such a bad dog mom.
I got so caught up in my new piano yesterday, I totally forgot to feed them their suppers. No wonder Jesse was acting such a fool. Well, they're both fat enough missing a meal won't hurt them. Rylea is off her feed right now anyway. She has stomach issues from time to time.
She woke me up at 2:00 AM asking to go out. Bad mom that I am, I put her out of the bedroom and got back into the bed. She came back and started scratching at the door. I figured then she was in some pretty desperate situations, so I got up and let her outside.
Guess what I did while waiting for her to finish her business? I practiced my piano. In fact, I seriously considered calling in sick, so I could practice more. I didn't, because I'm too close to getting another attendance bonus. This one will be a 6 month bonus, too. Nevertheless, all day at work, I was counting down the hours until I could come home and practice. I was so excited, the whole day took about two years.
Yeah, that whole practice the guitar for at least 10 minutes before playing the piano went straight out the window. It didn't even last a whole day. The minute I got home, I plugged that piano in and ran through my exercises. I didn't even change clothes until I'd gone through them a few times. I am going to practice that guitar, though, as soon as I'm done blogging. BTW, my presence on social media will probably be drastically reduced for the time being. That's not necessarily a bad thing, either. If you want to keep up, I'll still be blogging regularly.
I finally got my little pictures hung. Interior decorating is not my strong suit, but I muddle through as best I can.
I'll probably eventually get all the sci fi stuff out of these bookshelves and put it into its own designated area. Eventually. For now, it's staying.
The big pictures went on this wall.
I know it's unbalanced for now. The plan is to eventually get rid of that hideous floor lap, and put some sort of sconces up there, or something rustic looking.
Kindly ignore the Tigger towel on the back of my chair. It's to protect it from my wet hair.
By the way, since my piano is a digital keyboard, I can make it play different sounds -- piano, organ, xylophone, and.....harpsichord!
I can be Lurch!
That's about it for now. I must run. The piano beckons...
I got so caught up in my new piano yesterday, I totally forgot to feed them their suppers. No wonder Jesse was acting such a fool. Well, they're both fat enough missing a meal won't hurt them. Rylea is off her feed right now anyway. She has stomach issues from time to time.
She woke me up at 2:00 AM asking to go out. Bad mom that I am, I put her out of the bedroom and got back into the bed. She came back and started scratching at the door. I figured then she was in some pretty desperate situations, so I got up and let her outside.
Guess what I did while waiting for her to finish her business? I practiced my piano. In fact, I seriously considered calling in sick, so I could practice more. I didn't, because I'm too close to getting another attendance bonus. This one will be a 6 month bonus, too. Nevertheless, all day at work, I was counting down the hours until I could come home and practice. I was so excited, the whole day took about two years.
Yeah, that whole practice the guitar for at least 10 minutes before playing the piano went straight out the window. It didn't even last a whole day. The minute I got home, I plugged that piano in and ran through my exercises. I didn't even change clothes until I'd gone through them a few times. I am going to practice that guitar, though, as soon as I'm done blogging. BTW, my presence on social media will probably be drastically reduced for the time being. That's not necessarily a bad thing, either. If you want to keep up, I'll still be blogging regularly.
I finally got my little pictures hung. Interior decorating is not my strong suit, but I muddle through as best I can.
I'll probably eventually get all the sci fi stuff out of these bookshelves and put it into its own designated area. Eventually. For now, it's staying.
The big pictures went on this wall.
I know it's unbalanced for now. The plan is to eventually get rid of that hideous floor lap, and put some sort of sconces up there, or something rustic looking.
Kindly ignore the Tigger towel on the back of my chair. It's to protect it from my wet hair.
By the way, since my piano is a digital keyboard, I can make it play different sounds -- piano, organ, xylophone, and.....harpsichord!
I can be Lurch!
That's about it for now. I must run. The piano beckons...
Monday, June 17, 2019
Gas Light
Before I begin, I'd like to say welcome back to work to regular reader Tommy. He came back last week, after a lengthy illness. And for your PSA for today, if you have a hernia on your belly the size of a flippin' bowling ball, go to the doctor and get it taken care of before it turns your bowel septic, shuts down your kidneys, and nearly kills your hard headed self!
And Tommy, if you ever do anything like that again, I'm going to Gibbs slap you so hard, you won't ever find the back of your head!
Now, on to today's regularly scheduled blog post.
Friday, on my way home from town, I stopped at the corner gas station to fill up my car. Mr. Monroe's for you local folks. I inserted my card into the reader there at the pump, and the words came on the screen, Please See Attendant.
I don't want to please see the attendant. If I wanted to see the attendant, I wouldn't be paying for my gas at the pump! I got so aggravated, I just drove off without getting any gas. That station irritates me, as this happens just about every other time I go to fill up. I go there because it's convenient, but I think they have just lost me as a customer.
Saturday, I was debating on driving into town -- bypassing Mr. Monroe's -- and getting gas elsewhere. "Ah," I thought. "My gas light isn't on. It can wait."
No sooner than the words had left my brain, when bing. On comes the gas light.
Still, I can drive for a minute before I run completely out, I told myself. I'm just going to let that little light shine.
Today, I was telling my coworker, I've got to get gas today. I told her what had happened, and she said, "Did you go get gas?"
"No!" and she spit out her coke. I said, "I'm going today!"
But...along about 1:00, I began to wonder if I had enough gas to last one more day...Probably, but no. I went and got gas. I drove down the back end of Riverdale Rd, and got gas at those stations by the 211 exit (for you local folks). I'm telling you, it's been a long time since I drove that way. Do you know what I saw?
Corn. Lots and lots of corn planted on that end. About a foot high, too. Taller than the cotton is right now. I don't know if that's a regular thing, planting corn, I mean, but I think I might take the long way home more often.
And what do you think was waiting for me when I got home? My piano!!
Pay no attention to the junk on my cabinet. I got so excited, I just arm swept it all to the side and put my piano there.
I started to tell you Saturday that I'd gone ahead and ordered one, but I decided to make it a surprise. Yep, when I got that book of music, I just couldn't wait any longer. I cashed out most of my iBotta savings, and put in a little from my own savings, and got this one. It wasn't the bundle I'd originally wanted, as it's a slightly cheaper model, and it's only the keyboard, but I decided I could save up and get the stand and stool later.
I'm going to have to, because it's just a little too high to play comfortably there on my cabinet. Even sitting on the stool, it doesn't feel right.
I mentioned I got a slightly cheaper model. I'd planned on getting the Yamaha P45. This one is a Yamaha P71. It may not be as fancy, but I heard videos in the reviews of people playing this one. It sounded good to me, and since I'm only going to be playing for my own enjoyment, I bought it. I also got a lesson book, but I think I still might try to find a piano teacher locally. The problem with that is, when could I go to my lesson? I have a very short window between getting off work and going to bed.
The keyboard did come with a promo code where I can get three free months to a website that offers instructional videos. If I can learn on my own, with those videos and book, I might not need a teacher. We'll see.
I'm going to try to keep up with my guitar, too. I made a rule that I have to practice my guitar at least 10 minutes before I can play the piano. I did that today, and found myself strumming faster and faster, as if I could make that 10 minutes go by so I could get back to my piano. But, starting tomorrow, it's got to be good, quality practice, not just rushing through so I can get through.
Oh, and Cody texted me this afternoon. He got the job at the car dealership! He starts July 2, so today has been a good day all around.
Now, if you will excuse me, I've got a piano to learn how to play!
And Tommy, if you ever do anything like that again, I'm going to Gibbs slap you so hard, you won't ever find the back of your head!
Now, on to today's regularly scheduled blog post.
Friday, on my way home from town, I stopped at the corner gas station to fill up my car. Mr. Monroe's for you local folks. I inserted my card into the reader there at the pump, and the words came on the screen, Please See Attendant.
I don't want to please see the attendant. If I wanted to see the attendant, I wouldn't be paying for my gas at the pump! I got so aggravated, I just drove off without getting any gas. That station irritates me, as this happens just about every other time I go to fill up. I go there because it's convenient, but I think they have just lost me as a customer.
Saturday, I was debating on driving into town -- bypassing Mr. Monroe's -- and getting gas elsewhere. "Ah," I thought. "My gas light isn't on. It can wait."
No sooner than the words had left my brain, when bing. On comes the gas light.
Still, I can drive for a minute before I run completely out, I told myself. I'm just going to let that little light shine.
Today, I was telling my coworker, I've got to get gas today. I told her what had happened, and she said, "Did you go get gas?"
"No!" and she spit out her coke. I said, "I'm going today!"
But...along about 1:00, I began to wonder if I had enough gas to last one more day...Probably, but no. I went and got gas. I drove down the back end of Riverdale Rd, and got gas at those stations by the 211 exit (for you local folks). I'm telling you, it's been a long time since I drove that way. Do you know what I saw?
Corn. Lots and lots of corn planted on that end. About a foot high, too. Taller than the cotton is right now. I don't know if that's a regular thing, planting corn, I mean, but I think I might take the long way home more often.
And what do you think was waiting for me when I got home? My piano!!
Pay no attention to the junk on my cabinet. I got so excited, I just arm swept it all to the side and put my piano there.
I started to tell you Saturday that I'd gone ahead and ordered one, but I decided to make it a surprise. Yep, when I got that book of music, I just couldn't wait any longer. I cashed out most of my iBotta savings, and put in a little from my own savings, and got this one. It wasn't the bundle I'd originally wanted, as it's a slightly cheaper model, and it's only the keyboard, but I decided I could save up and get the stand and stool later.
I'm going to have to, because it's just a little too high to play comfortably there on my cabinet. Even sitting on the stool, it doesn't feel right.
I mentioned I got a slightly cheaper model. I'd planned on getting the Yamaha P45. This one is a Yamaha P71. It may not be as fancy, but I heard videos in the reviews of people playing this one. It sounded good to me, and since I'm only going to be playing for my own enjoyment, I bought it. I also got a lesson book, but I think I still might try to find a piano teacher locally. The problem with that is, when could I go to my lesson? I have a very short window between getting off work and going to bed.
The keyboard did come with a promo code where I can get three free months to a website that offers instructional videos. If I can learn on my own, with those videos and book, I might not need a teacher. We'll see.
I'm going to try to keep up with my guitar, too. I made a rule that I have to practice my guitar at least 10 minutes before I can play the piano. I did that today, and found myself strumming faster and faster, as if I could make that 10 minutes go by so I could get back to my piano. But, starting tomorrow, it's got to be good, quality practice, not just rushing through so I can get through.
Oh, and Cody texted me this afternoon. He got the job at the car dealership! He starts July 2, so today has been a good day all around.
Now, if you will excuse me, I've got a piano to learn how to play!
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Things My Father Taught Me
How to tie a square knot.
How to tie a bowline knot.
How to read a sextant.
How to read a sundial.
How to read a map.
How to find latitude and longitude.
How to track hurricanes.
How to keep a journal.
How to play chess.
How to throw a football.
How to throw a harpoon.
How to cast a rod and reel.
That if I really loved that fish, I'd put him back into the water so he could live.
How to change a tire.
How to check the oil.
How to drive a nail, and turn a screw.
How to run a table saw.
And to keep my fingers well back from the blade.
How to tell which figs will taste the best.
How to identify poison ivy.
How to identify venomous snakes.
To identify clouds.
To identify constellations.
That even the most mundane tasks can be made more exciting when a good story is involved.
To sing "Away down South where the cotton grows there was an old man a pickin his nose, look away!"
To appreciate the value of a good book.
That a library can be an exciting place.
To be a weather geek.
And a history nerd.
That sea chanties are awesome.
That classical music is beautiful.
The opera didn't stick, though.
But most importantly, he taught me that Jesus loves me, this I know.
And that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
His coworkers called him Cowboy.
He called me Hawkeye.
And I miss him, every single day.
Saturday, June 15, 2019
That Was Fast!
I must have been really tired last night. I mean really tired. Why? Because I slept through the fireworks!
My town does a carnival thing out at the lake every June called Thunder On Water. It used to be a big deal. I mean, they had big name stars coming and doing concerts and stuff. Mark Chestnutt, Diamond Rio, folks like that. Several years ago, they stopped the concerts, and it's really gone down hill since. Still, they have rides for the kids, craft vendors, and do fireworks. This year, they had to move it, due to the flooding. It's usually down by the spillway, but they are having it up by the airport this year. That makes it even closer to the house. And I still didn't hear the fireworks.
My Piano Guys music book I ordered has arrived! I was surprised at how fast it got here, too. I was expecting it to take at least a week, since I didn't pay for expedited shipping.
It even included an insert for the cello part.
I suppose I could send that to my nephew Joshua, who plays the cello. Maybe when I get my piano and learn to play it, we could do some duets. has a new thing on their app. What it is, whatever life event happened to your ancestor, it marks the location on a map. It's so cool. Naturally, most of mine are in the U.S.
My U.K. map is pretty colorful,
as is my map of Sweden.
They have another relatively new thing where you can add a label to an ancestor's profile. I've been going back through my tree and marking all the immigrants. It's kind of gotten me interested in researching my ancestry again. And get this, I found an ancestor who was lost at sea!
I'm sure that makes me a terrible person that I get so totally geeked out over that.
My town does a carnival thing out at the lake every June called Thunder On Water. It used to be a big deal. I mean, they had big name stars coming and doing concerts and stuff. Mark Chestnutt, Diamond Rio, folks like that. Several years ago, they stopped the concerts, and it's really gone down hill since. Still, they have rides for the kids, craft vendors, and do fireworks. This year, they had to move it, due to the flooding. It's usually down by the spillway, but they are having it up by the airport this year. That makes it even closer to the house. And I still didn't hear the fireworks.
My Piano Guys music book I ordered has arrived! I was surprised at how fast it got here, too. I was expecting it to take at least a week, since I didn't pay for expedited shipping.
It even included an insert for the cello part.
I suppose I could send that to my nephew Joshua, who plays the cello. Maybe when I get my piano and learn to play it, we could do some duets. has a new thing on their app. What it is, whatever life event happened to your ancestor, it marks the location on a map. It's so cool. Naturally, most of mine are in the U.S.
My U.K. map is pretty colorful,
as is my map of Sweden.
They have another relatively new thing where you can add a label to an ancestor's profile. I've been going back through my tree and marking all the immigrants. It's kind of gotten me interested in researching my ancestry again. And get this, I found an ancestor who was lost at sea!
I'm sure that makes me a terrible person that I get so totally geeked out over that.
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