Monday, February 27, 2023

That Didn't Happen

Whelp, today was my day off.  You know, the one I'd originally scheduled for my colonoscopy that I cancelled.  So, the plan was to keep my vacation day, and go up to the Southaven/Memphis area and shop for a dress for Cody's wedding. 

What actually happened was I sat in front of the TV all day and binge watched an entire season of Dino Hunters.  Then I started season two, but I'm not going to make it all the way through before bedtime.  

Tomorrow is my last day of having the expensive Hulu plan, and out of curiosity, I looked all over to try to find a list of what I would still have once I'm back to the cheap plan, but couldn't find one anywhere.  Not a current one, at least.  Oh well, I guess I'll find out Wednesday.  But that's why I'm trying to get through this show so quickly, just in case I don't have access to it once my plan changes. 

Speaking of not leaving the house, I got a letter in the mail the other day telling me I could get my cholesterol meds through the mail, and it would be even cheaper than Walmart.  What?  I can save money and not leave the house?  Yes, please!  I was surprised at how quickly my new prescription arrived, too.  They must have overnighted it, because it got here the day after my doctor approved the transfer.  Or whatever it was he had to do.

Oh, and I got my mammogram results today on my My Chart thing.  I'm not sure what it all meant, but I'm assuming it's all OK, because they said to come back in a year.  By the way, I lied to you the other day when I said my A1C was 5.1.  According to the My Chart, it's actually 5.8.  I couldn't really hear what the receptionist said when she called me because the phone kept cutting out.  I've drastically cut back on sugar since I started drinking my smoothies, so hopefully when I go back in April for my follow up, it'll be better.  

While I was doing all that Dino Hunter watching, I also did a lot of knitting.  I finished this hat I'd been working on, 

and truth is, I'm not that pleased with how it turned out.  I usually cast on with a size 8, so the brim will be good and stretchy, then switch to a size 6 to knit the ribbing, and changing to a size 7 for the body of the hat.  This time, apparently I forgot to switch and knit the entire thing in size 8, which made the gauge too loose for my liking.  Plus, I was going to do the crown decreases differently, but you guessed it, I forgot until I was halfway through them.  Sigh...I'm not going to re-do it, though, because it's not for me anyway.  Someone out there will like it. 

As soon as I'd finished, I cast on another hat with the same yarn, remembering to switch to the smaller needles this time. 

I also knit, yes, another headband. 

This yarn is Red Heart in the Blacklight colorway.  I wasn't sure how it would turn out, but I kind of like the results.  I'd bought this yarn to knit hats for the Seaman's Church ministry, so I think after I finish the hat I'm working on now, I'm going to knit them a few.  They won't need them until closer to Christmas, so I'll have plenty of time to get my inventory built back up. 

And finally, the cat is doing much better, though she's still not really putting weight on her hurt foot.  The swelling has gone down, and she's starting to put it on the floor, but she's still hopping when she walks.  Today was such a beautiful day, I almost felt bad about not letting her go outside.  She did enjoy the open window, though. 

As did I.  

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