Thursday, February 23, 2023

Boobies Successfully Smashed

Two down, two to go.  Appointments, that is.  Physical and mammogram are done; eye appointment and colonoscopy still to go.  I'll to the eye appointment in the Fall, but I don't know when I will do the colonoscopy.  I'd originally scheduled it for Monday, but cancelled, because I was feeling overwhelmed by too much coming at me too quickly.  Add the wedding in...recipe for anxiety.  

So, today I got the mammogram out of the way,  after refusing to allow myself to cancel it.  Even though I really wanted to...I really like the lady who does them here.  She's very professional, and makes you feel at ease.  I had worn one of my Against The Current t-shirts, and she complimented me on it.  She said she loves The Chosen, but alas, she's only seen the first episode of season 3.  

"I hate that!"  I said, "because I want to talk about it, but I don't want to spoil it for you!"  All I told her was there is some good stuff coming up in season 3, and that's all I had to say about that. 

Anyway, it all went very well, and they'll mail me the results in a few days. 

In knitting news, I finished the headband with the smaller cast on.

It fit so much better -- no, you are not getting another selfie-- so I cast on another one using one of the gigantic headbands I'd knit before.  

I'm still tweaking the pattern a bit, but I think these will go much better.  

As my old dad would say, Spring is busting out all over.  I'm seeing daffodils and jonquils all up and down the roads.  The trees are putting out new growth, and flowers are starting to bloom everywhere.  And look at this!

These are some daffodils I bought last spring.  I'd intended to plant them, but completely forgot about them and left them in the pot all year.  I was afraid I'd killed them, because I didn't even water them.  A few weeks ago, I took the entire mess out of the pot and planted them out by the back fence.  Much to my amazement, they're growing!  Whee! 

Apropos of nothing, I don't see how people play on their phones all day at work.  Even in the break area, this is all I get.  

 Back before my plantar fasciitis flared up, I'd signed up to do another one of those Yes.Fit virtual races I used to do all the time.  It took a minute, because I had to take a break, but I finally finished it.  My medal arrived yesterday:

And finally, today is the first day of the Siege Of The Alamo.  Alas, the videos I always post during these 13 days have been deleted due to copyright claims.  I guess it doesn't matter, because I doubt you were watching them anyway. 

Heck, I didn't even watch them after that first year.

But we still remember...

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