Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Random Thoughts Of St. Valentine's Day

 1.  Look!  I got a Valentine!

It's from my friend Belinda, who didn't get around to sending Christmas cards, so sent these instead.  Thank you!  It made my day!

2.  Guess what it's doing again...go on guess!  Here's a hint: 

3.  Well, they took away our overtime, but I suspect it won't be for long.  When we get behind again, they'll start hooting and hollering that they don't have any headers and we'll be coming in at 4:00 again.  Of course, their precious second shift is still working 10 hours, because you know we have to let them do whatever they want.  

4.  I got a bit of a scare this afternoon, when I got a call from my water company telling me I hadn't paid my bill.  I know I had, and found the receipt still laying on my kitchen cabinet.  Where I'd left it....a week ago....OK, moving right along...I tried calling, but apparently everyone else was trying to all, too, because I kept getting a busy signal.  Off to their Facebook page I went, where I saw the announcement.  It was a glitch in the automated system.  Instead of calling just those who were past due, it was calling everyone in the system. Whew!  I've lived here 28 years, and that's the first time that's ever happened. 

5.  Just FYI

6.  Speaking of St. Valentine's day, it was originally observed as a Christian holiday remembering St. Valentine, who was martyred on this day in 269 A.D., for refusing to renounce his faith in Jesus Christ. He is also the patron saint of love, marriage, affianced couples, and plague. That being said, Happy Valentine’s Day to all those afflicted by the plague.

7. I got called out on FB the other day. Or at least, someone made a pretty pathetic attempt to call me out. Observe:

I had to laugh.  Seriously?  Evil?  Sister, this is trash talk.  It's an essential part of sports culture, and moreover, this is actually baby talk compared to some of the stuff out there.  If this poor fragile person is that triggered by my saying Cry, Eagles, Cry, she'd never even survive seeing some of the real trash talk out there. The bright spot is, I mean, other than it being absolutely hysterical, she blocked me.  No big loss.  All she did was lay in bed all day posting selfies.  Of herself laying in bed.  All day.  About 20 selfies per day.  Of herself laying in bed.  I'm actually glad I don't have to see that any more.  

8.  Where have all my readers gone?  I mean, I've never been that popular, but still..

9.  I don't know if I'm even going to fool with a flower bed this year.  I might just leave it and see if any of my wildflowers from last year seeded.  All of my little bluebonnets I had planted got whacked by the hard freeze we had just before Christmas.  Maybe others will come up.  I don't know.  I hope so, but it's not looking good.  

10.  Group Leader Shark brought us lunch today.  The plant is feeding us tomorrow for having the highest efficiency since 2106 for the month of January.   Free food two days in a row.  Thank you!  

11.  I think I'll go knit a while now.  Laters. 

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