Friday, July 12, 2019

Wonder Of Wonders

Miracle of miracles!  We have two weekends in a row off!

While I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, I am wondering why.  Are we done working weekends?  Is it just this weekend, for maintenance maybe?  Do I need to start pinching pennies or cut a streaming service or what?  I wish they'd tell us something.  Hopefully, we'll get a few more weekends -- or at least Fridays-- before it's all over. 

So, what did I do on my Friday off?  Well, first thing, I woke up at 3:00 AM.  What good is a day off if you wake up in the middle of the night anyway?  After laying there for about an hour, it became obvious I wasn't going to fall back to sleep, so I went ahead and got up.  I got my chores done pretty quickly, including going to the store, so I could spend the entire afternoon watching TV and practicing my instruments.

The big news of the weekend is Tropical Storm Barry.  They were saying he'd strengthen into a hurricane, but they're backing off that now, since he isn't strengthening as fast as they'd thought he would.  Eh, that's nature.  You never know what you're going to get.  Still, he is expected to make landfall over the weekend, so I had go to the store and get more hurricane snacks, since I ate the ones I had early.  Now, my snacks are replenished, and I'm ready for Barry.   

I'm pretty stoked that temperatures are expected to drop a bit over the next few days.  I'm so glad, because it's been miserably hot in the plant.  So hot, they gave us popsicles two days in a row.   So hot, someone dropped his sucker in the parking lot, and it melted.

So hot, I'm starting to hate those white headed shanty men.

Look at Port Isaac.  Just look at it.  And in July at that.  Buttheads. 

They say there's always something to be thankful for.  The thing to be thankful for about all that heat heat is it keeps the front office people up in the front office -- where they have air conditioning.  When they do need to come out on the shop floor, they don't linger.  They dash out, do what they need to do as fast as they can, then dash back into the air.  At least, they're leaving us alone, for the most part.

Let's change the subject, shall we?  Last week, when I was mowing, I was trying to remember the words to one of my favorite hymns.  No problem.  I'd just come inside and look it up in one of my hymnals.  I have two:  the 1957 Baptist Hymnal, and the 1975 Baptist Hymnal.  Alas, my hymn wasn't in either one of those.  I knew I'd seen it in a hymnal, so I promptly got online and ordered the 1991 edition. 

Now, my collection is complete, and all three hymnals are safely nestled in my bookshelf,

between my Bluejacket Manuals and my Piano Guys book.   By the way, I ordered those Bluejacket Manuals from a used book store, as well.  I'd given mine to Cody when he started ROTC in 9th grade, and I haven't seen it since.  He swears up and down he didn't take it to school, but where else could it be?  You know the quickest way to find a lost item is to buy a replacement, but it didn't work this time.  Mine still hasn't turned up.

Anyway, while I was on Amazon, I threw another piece of survival gear into my cart. 

This high visibility bandanna has lots of survival tips printed on it, so into the bug out bag it goes.

Also arriving on Friday was my replacement medal for my King Arthur virtual race. 

Thankfully, it's unbroken.  This is a cool medal, because it has all the shields, and the ring with the sword hilts spins.  I haven't signed up for another race yet.  It kind of feels like cheating, because I'm logging miles I normally walk during my day, and not really getting any extra exercise.  It's like I'm just buying a medal.  Maybe once it's cooled off some, I'll start walking on my days off, too. 

All this summer, I've been thinking that there just haven't been any hummingbirds.  Back in the spring, I'd bought this feeder, because the label says it attracts 10 times more birds. 

But I hadn't seen any.  Every so often, a hummingbird would fly by, look at it, and fly away.  I finally took it down, and hung the old feeder back up.

Turns out it wasn't lack of birds that was the problem.  They just didn't like that other feeder.  You know, the one that is supposed to attract so many more birds?  Yeah.  In just two days, they've drained this one dry. 

And finally, something has been snacking on my Zinnias.

Whatever it was had nearly killed this one.  A few days ago, I started spraying them with soapy water, and they seem to be making a comeback. 

I hope it's not too late, and they survive.  My Vincas, on the other hand, have flourished. 

They've never been my favorite flower, and I don't know why.  They're absolutely beautiful. 

P.S. Yes, I know I need to weed.  Maybe in the morning, before it gets too hot.  But I'll have to deal with humidity, so frizzy hair will abound. 

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