Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Working And Whiskers And New Things

Well, I guess this means we're working Saturday.

If you can't read the poster, it says they're handing out snow cones and lemonade after work Saturday.  That's how we know we'll be there. They wouldn't hand out snow cones and lemonade to an empty plant. 

Nice gesture, huh?  Frankly, I'd feel more appreciated if they'd do something about this sink full of nasty water.  In the women's bathroom.  Under the production office.

Look, it's got a garnish!

(Dead fly, for those of you who missed it.)

For those of you who have had older cats, you know when they reach a certain age, they stop grooming themselves.  When this happens, you come to realize just how much they did to take care of their fur.  And claws. 

Squeaky is there.  I comb and comb and comb her and still the mats multiply faster than I can get them out.  She's not neglected.  Really. 

Unlike my floors.  Which are.  Don't look at them.  Just focus on the kitty. 

The soft kitty.  The warm kitty.  The little ball of fur...She has good days, and bad days.  Her bad days seem to still be related to her constipation issues. Fortunately, since I switched her to canned food, the bad days are fewer than before.  She still has them, though.  Saturday was a bad day.  She was restless and yowling, and I was wondering if it was time to let her go.  But by Sunday, she was better.  Monday she pottied a little bit and now is back to her old -- her very old -- cranky self.  I still have her...for now.

So, all that yarn Peggy sent me.  I was looking for my needles to cast on a hat or two.  I eventually found them, but suddenly decided I didn't have enough.  What with all these hours I'm working, I thought I could splurge a bit.  Off to Knit Picks I headed and bought five, yes five, pair of circular needles. 

In my defense, they're all different sizes.  Well, three different sizes in two different colors. 

I told you the other day I was getting a hankering to knit lace, so while I was at Knit Picks, I wandered over to the lace weight clearance section to see what they had on sale.  What I found was 100% silk for only $8.50 per 50 g hank.  It's some colors they're discontinuing, and they cut the price.   

I'll take two.  Of each.  And two twos of the blue. 

Now I just need to find a pattern to knit. 

Off to browse...

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