Wednesday, October 16, 2024

A Mite Nippy

"I woke up this morning feeling lovely" said my coworker as she sailed into the department this morning. 

"And then you came here," was my reply.  That'll take the wind out of anybody's sails.  And it was an eh day.  Not terribly bad, but not great either.  The worst part of it is that they changed the schedule again, and the lines were right on us -- even though the conveyors were full of completed work.  Nothing that was over there was what they needed.  

I just wish they could somehow comprehend how stressful that is, especially when they're blaming us.  

In other news,  I stepped outside last night to look at the comet one last time, and that north wind like to have blown me away.  And sure enough, the north wind brought the cold temperatures with it. 

Yeah, it was a mite nippy this morning.  My car said 39°, an my phone app said 41°.  Either way, it finally felt like Fall out there.  I didn't see any sign of frost, but I don't regret bringing the plants in.  Better safe than sorry.  It's supposed to be about the same temps tonight, so I'll wait until tomorrow to put them back outside. 

On a similar note, I finally cut down the last of the sunflowers I was growing in the front yard.  Or to put it more bluntly, it finally looked dead.  I'd been watching it, and every time I thought it was time to cut it, another bloom would open up.  But at last, it looked dead enough to chop down and into the compost bin it went.  Now the only one I have left is my Mexican Sunflower, and it's still going strong.  Funny, I looked up a website and it said they're supposed to get between 3 and 6' tall.  The fence is 6', so I'm guessing that plant is about 9' tall. 

And finally, since I finished watching Land Of The Lost, I started Lidsville last night.  Oh, the memories it brought back!  There is only one season, and I think next up with be H. R. Puffenstuff.   Or maybe Gilligan's Island.  Or, I don't know.  I'll find something to watch while I'm knitting....because my coworker told me her three year old granddaughter is still wearing the hat I knit for her when she was first born.  

I think she needs something new.  


Amnicon Studio said...

Our morning temp was 27 degrees. I don't think anyone up here was ready for it. I would have loved to have seen the comet but we had clouds and rain. ... Boo.

It feels bit bittersweet to finally take down the sunflowers.

Becky G said...

The comet is supposed to be visible until the 21st. Hopefully, you'll have a chance to see it.

Amnicon Studio said...

I'd love to see it. It's harder in my area. Trees ... clouds ... it's a pain sometimes.