Thursday, October 10, 2024


Mayhem has returned to my workplace, and I'm not talking about this guy. 

It would seem Loki has escaped from wherever he'd been hiding these last few years and ran rampant throughout the plant. It being Thor's Day, and all...

Turns out the plant was out of some Vitally Important part, which had been ordered, but hadn't arrived.  Thus they had to skip all of the orders to which this Vitally Important part was ... um ... vitally important and skip way down the schedule to run orders for which we didn't have any parts ready.  So we spent all day scrambling to get orders out with the assembly line group leaders and supervisors standing over us, hollering, "Where are my parts?  Why aren't my parts ready?" as if they thought we could pull them out of our posteriors.   

At one point, I turned to Cuz and said, "Why don't I just wiggle my nose and blink them into existence?"  Alas, I don't have that power, so we had to do it the old fashioned way.  By working our posteriors off.  Needless to say, we did not get off early today, but get off we eventually did, and it's a good thing because by that time, I was so tired I could hardly lift my arms.  

After work, I had to run into town and pay a bill -- with cash because I still don't have my checks.  They're supposed to get here Monday.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they do, because I sure don't want to have to go through all that rigamarole again.  

On the way home, I stopped by the Lee Tartt Nature Preserve and walked my Rover Route, but only once.  I'd thought I might do it a couple of times because it's so short, but I was tired and my feet hurt, so I came on home and have just sat ever since. 

Moving right along, let's talk about schadenfreude.  One of my coworkers seems to be coming down with laryngitis.  One moment she'll be talking perfectly normally, then suddenly she's squeaking like a little mouse.  I should not have laughed as hard as I did...

Speaking of schadenfreude, there is this one brazer -- the newest one in the department, mind you -- and she thinks she knows everything.  She walked in the door trying to boss us all around, even those of us who've been there nearly 30 years, and acts like she's the only one over there who really knows how to braze.  She's loud, bossy, and obnoxious and is constantly talking about how good everything was at her old job, which begs the question, why isn't she still there? 

Anyway, yesterday one of little miss know-it-all's orders got sent back up because she'd brazed it wrong. You'd be proud of me.  I kept my mouth shut, but inside I was laughing my hiney off.  

And finally, lookit!  The Great American Christmas movies start tomorrow!

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

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