Thursday, September 19, 2024

That’ll Get Your Sugar Down

Sometimes I just don't understand my place of employment.  Yesterday, they let us go at 2:00 because we were way ahead.  Today, we were even farther ahead, but they made us stay until 3:00.  I don't get it.  I just don't get it. 

That place is starved for leadership, I'm telling you.  Oh, we've got "boss-erhsip", but not leadership.  Let me tell you a little story to show you what I mean.  A few days ago, I'd gone back to the break area to get some ice in my stupid little clear cup.  I was on my way back to my work area, walking behind one of the supervisors.  One of the sheet metal parts stagers got the supervisor's attention and asked him to sign her scrap tickets.  

"Why am I signing scrap tickets?  Don't you work for [Other Supervisor]?" he said.  

"I haven't seen him all day," replied the parts stager. 

"If I were you, I'd complain about that," said the supervisor, and he walked off without signing her scrap tickets.  Someone needs to remind him that we're all supposed to be on the same team out there.  Heck, even Cuz will sign our scrap tickets when we ask him to.  The irony of the situation is, it took him longer to stand there and argue with her than it would have to just sign the tickets.  

That guy is probably the most disliked supervisor out there, and for good reason.   I've had a few run-ins with him myself.  He's a boss, not a leader.  We don't have leaders out there.  As I said, the place is starved for leadership.  

So, after a 10 hour day at the factory, I decided to go to Walmart today instead of tomorrow and get that chore out of the way.  While I was there, I bought a new candle and pumpkin scented soap.  

They still don't have any pumpkin spice coffee creamer, though.  Usually they have it out by now.  They've got tons of peppermint mocha, but no pumpkin spice -- except in that one really high dollar brand that I refuse to buy.  I guess that new store manager is an old sour puss who doesn't like pumpkin.  

I'll have to check a few more stores around town, I guess.  I was thinking about going up to Batesville tomorrow and walk the trails at the Mounds, so I might check their Walmart while I'm up there.  It all depends, because I need to get my fence painted as well.  We'll see. 

Speaking of the fence, my spider lilies are starting to open up.  

On a whim, I decided to go ahead and mow the side yard.  That was all I intended to do, but while I had the mower out, I figured I might was well do the back, too. I was only going to mow until I ran out of gas, but as it happens, I had just enough to do the entire back yard.  That'll probably be the last time this year I mow the back, but I'll still try to keep the public side of things looking presentable.  

And finally, since I was already dirty and sweaty, and the shed was open anyway, I got the Fall decorations out and bright them into the house.  

After all that, I might not go to Batesville tomorrow, because I might not be able to move.  

Now, I'd better go practice my piano before I get too stiff and sore. 


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