Friday, September 20, 2024

Needless To Say

Needless to say, I didn't go to Batesville today.  Instead, I spent a quiet morning piddling in my own yard, and was content to stay home-ish.  OK, I did go out to the lake and walked one of the trails, but other than that, I spent a quite morning piddling in my own yard and was content to stay home. 

It was a wonderful morning to do just that -- cool enough I could leave my French Doors open until nearly noon, even though it would eventually get up into the low 90s.   Still, it was nice to be able to spend some time outdoors without being crushed by oppressive heat and humidity.  

My spider lilies by the fence are starting to open up, and I keep stepping outside to admire them. 

These are the ones I want to dig up and move.  

They'd been planted by the previous owner, and I've never liked them being right out in the middle of the yard.  I've got one coworker who has already laid claim to a few of the bulbs, but I'll have plenty to share if anyone wants some. 

While I was tidying, I ran across something pretty interesting.  Back when I first moved into this house, I had a huge oak tree cut down, and the trunk has been slowly rotting back ever since.   I was cutting back some of the grass and weeds that had grown up around it and found this wire that looks like it had been imbedded in one of the roots or the trunk. 

Now that I think about it, it had to have been in one of the roots and the fence guy dug it up when he was removing the old fence.  If it had been in the trunk, surely I would have noticed it before.  Or maybe not.  There was that one part of the trunk that didn't seem to be decaying as fast as the rest.  Maybe that was because of this wire.  Oh well, now I'm going to have to figure out how to get that out of there. 

OK, back to my piddling...

All these daylilies are sitting here mocking me.   

I need to move them, now that the fence is no longer there, so that they aren't out in the middle of the lawn, and you've already heard how I feel about that. 

These things are starting to flower. 

One of my jalapenos has turned completely red.  I'm not sure what to do with it because I'm not much of a jalapeno person. 

I've got a lot more cayennes coming on, including one I need to cut and tring up to dry. 

Plus two more banana peppers that will be ready to pick soon.  I cut them up and put them into my chicken or ham salad. 

 BTW, I asked Cody if he had tried the pickled peppers I sent home with them, and he said they turned out really good.  I'm glad of that.  

Nor for a bit of bad news.  Something keeps digging up this bed, and I can't figure out how to discourage whatever it is.  I've tried Repels-All, which apparently doesn't.  I've tried vinegar, which I think is killing my sweet mint. This is my last resort:

Hopefully, that will discourage whatever is digging that bed up -- at least until I can come up with a more permanent solution. Funny, they didn't bother this bed last year.  I wonder what made it so fascinating all of the sudden. 

And finally, remember a few days ago when I told you I'd ordered $100 worth of coffee?  This is what $100 worth of coffee looks like: 

Don't ask.  Even I don't know, but it looks like I'm going to be set for coffee for quite some time, now.  Since I've been using my pod coffee maker almost all the time now, I move the old style coffee maker off of the cabinet.  It looks so much cleaner in that corner now. 

I reckon that's it for today.  I'm going get off of here and get some knitting done while I catch up on old episodes of Good Bones. 

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