Thursday, October 12, 2023

My New Toy

Those of you who've been reading my blog know that I've been wanting a compost tumbler for a while now.  I've really wanted one for quite a while before I even posted about it the first time. 

Well, during Prime days, I found one on sale and I finally got me one.  It arrived today, and let me tell you, it was a bear to put together.  Mostly because everything was black and I couldn't see it.  But also because none of the parts were labeled, and my hair kept getting in the way.  

And because the cat brought a live vole into the house, so I had to take a break and chase that thing back out.  Oh, and she brought another one in and I'm yelling at her to catch it and kill it even as I type this.  

That's the one downside of leaving the doors open.  And the bugs of course.  

By the way, I bought one of those light traps, and it seems to work pretty well.  It actually puts out more light than the night light I'd had in the kitchen.  

But I digress...

After about an hour's worth of frustration -- but not so much frustration I uttered any unwholesome words for which I would have to repent -- I got the composter put together and carried it outside. 

I raked up some leaves and filled up both chambers -- one all the way and the other only about half.  I wanted to save room for banana peels and veg scraps and stuff.  I have had to resist running out there and spinning it every five minutes.  

They said not to use pet droppings in it, but I think I want to put some deer poop in it anyway.   There's plenty of it out there, and it makes good fertilizer.  The sky was overcast and gloomy all day, and it felt like night even though it was only 5:00 PM, so I think I'll wait until tomorrow to pick up the deer poop.  Yes, I'll wear gloves!  It's still poop after all.  

One last thing before I go.  Remember the guy I used to call Gung Ho?  He was the engineer who took Dude's place when he left to go to Viking a few months ago.   A couple of us noticed we hadn't seen him in a while, so yesterday I asked Group Leader Shark.  Turns out he quit.  We had quit the laugh over that, because of how arrogant he was.  He was going to whip things into shape, and how he said things would be a lot different if he were in charge.  

In the end, all he did was mess up our jigs and run out on us.  

And none of that was a surprise to any of us.  

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