Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Piano Talk

Well, here it is.  I've been promising -- or threatening -- to do this for weeks and now the time has come.  I'm going to write a piano post.  I mean, a post about playing the piano.  Or whatever it is I do on the piano.  The term "playing" is somewhat of a loose interpretation.  

I keep saying I'm going to livestream a practice, but I can't imagine how that would possibly be interesting.  To do that, I'd have to get over my aversion to seeing myself on camera, not to mention the sound of my own voice.  Which is how all of you hear me, but not how I hear myself.  

I hear myself from inside my head -- literally, where as you don't.  OK, I think I'm rambling now, so lets get on with it. 

I think the main reason I wanted to learn to play the piano is to play my favorite hymns and Christmas carols.  I mean, there are other songs I like and want to play, but hymns are the main thing.  The hard part has been to find arrangements I like.  I mean, I've got my two Sacred Songs piano books, 

but some of the arrangements are...iffy, at best.  They're not bad.  They're just not my favorite.  

There I was at work a few days ago, just a working away, when I had an epiphany.  And what was this epiphany?  I'll tell you.

I thought if I learn my scales and chord progressions, I could make up my own arrangements just the way I like them.  Cool, huh?  

As soon as I got home, I grabbed my trusty book of scales and arpeggios, 

and opened it up to the C Major page,  

and had myself a mini-meltdown.  

"I don't understand any of this," I wailed in despair.  "I need a teacher!"

A few deep breaths later, I calmed myself down and told myself to take it one step at a time.  It will take me some time, but I'll get through it.  Maybe someday, you'll get some original arrangements of my favorite hymns, but for now, here's a couple from the book I showed you up there.  

One thing I've definitely got to work on is making my playing smoother and more connected, and to not sound like I'm beating the devil out of the piano keys.  I know pedaling helps with that, but neither of these songs had pedaling indicated.  I've tried playing with the pedal, but I recorded it as it was written. 

One of the channels I follow suggested some recording software I can download.  I think I may try it and see if it sounds better.  Because honestly, it doesn't sound like this to my ear.  Only on my phone. 

One last song before I go.  This one isn't a hymn.  It's one I'm in the process of learning, so there are a couple of oopses in there, and some hesitations.  

It's called The Campbells Are Coming.  

That's about it for today.  I hope I can get more consistent in sharing these updates, but I don't see how with the hours we're working.  It's already past my bedtime, and I haven't even practiced or had my shower today.  

I really have to go.  

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