Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Random Thoughts Of A Wednesday Evening

 1.  I don't know what those folks are doing up in there on third shift.  This morning, I walked into the bathroom and in the trash can, I saw this:

and in the toilet...

What on earth is that?  

2.  Society is doomed, I tell you.  Doomed.

3.  The Dallas Cowboys have traded Amari Cooper and signed Michael Gallup to a $62 million contract.  This is why they don't win Super Bowls!  They have a history of spending big money on mediocre players.  The name Miles Austin ring a bell?  

4.  My cousin Chris sent me this photo.  

Someone he knows was cleaning out his grandmother's and found it.  I'm pretty sure this is my Pappaw's brother, Uncle Charlie.  Beverly would know right away.  She's the one who had all these old family photos.  It would be interesting to know how this person's grandma knew Uncle Charlie, as well.  

4.  I came home to dog poop on the floor.  Lovely.  I don't get mad at Jesse when he has an accident.  That's a long time to ask him to hold it.  I just clean it up and go on, but it's part of the reason why I probably won't get another dog.  It's just not fair to him.  

5.  Will this nuclear war involve running?  Because if it involves running, I'm pretty much just going to have to fry. 

6.  The government is talking about making Daylight Saving Time permanent.  I hate that idea.  Most of the people I've talked to hate the idea as well.  Yes, we'd all love to stop changing the clocks, but if you're going to make anything permanent, it should be Standard time.  Frankly, I like it getting darker earlier in the evening, and I'm sure parents would feel much better if their kids aren't standing out in the dark waiting for the bus in the mornings.

7.  I canceled my FrendlyTV.  I know it's not much, but all those nickles and dimes add up.  What with prices the way they are and getting worse, I have to trim where I can.  I'm canceling all the stuff I don't use regularly, and even some of the stuff I do, like the Not The Bee website.  I even canceled my membership.  I can't see paying $198 per year in these times for something I rarely go on.  I'll still be able to see my tree, but I won't be able to research anything, or add to it.  Maybe when things pick up again, I'll reactivate it.  In the meantime, I'll just look at my brother's tree. 

8.  It's almost bed time, and I have to practice my piano yet, so I guess that's it for today. 

9.  Except for one more thing.  Remember the headers I talked about yesterday?  The ones that had been brazed wrong?  Yep.  Sure enough, there I was at work, just a working away, when the assembly line group leader came walking up to brazing with a box guessed it, headers that had been brazed wrong.  Beats me why they didn't just let us fix them as soon as I'd spotted the error, but hey, that's my place of employment for you. 

10.  Now, I really am going to go practice my piano.  Laters. 

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