Friday, March 25, 2022

Burned Out

That's what I am, I think.  I'm just burned out. 

I think that's why I haven't had any interest in doing anything lately, not even blogging.  Stuff has happened.  I just haven't been able to bring myself to write about it.  That being said, I'm going to try to catch you up on what's been going on lately, but blogging will probably be sporadic for a while. 

OK?  Let's dive right on in, then. 

Do you see this?

This beautiful, lush green lawn?  That's not grass.  It's weeds.   See?  Weeds. 

This is four days after I applied weed killer. Weed killer!  Scott's Weed Control For Lawns, to be more specific.  Not only did it not kill my weeds, but they are thriving. Sigh...At least I can get something to grow.  

I'll need to get out tomorrow after work and try to cut down what I can of them.  I won't be able to do much of the front yard, because of all the rain we had Tuesday.  I've still got standing water in spots. 

After my whine in the last blog post, one of my friends suggested I look into something called winter sowing.  She said it might do the trick for me, so I looked into it.  Basically, it's where you cut a gallon milk jug in half and made a mini-greenhouse out of it.  You plant your seeds in it, then just leave it outside all winter.  

The downside to it is, sometimes it can take weeks, or even months for your seeds to germinate, as many of them won't sprout until the temperatures are pretty consistently warm.  Another downside is, a late frost or hard freeze can kill your little plants.  Honestly, after reading up a bit on it, I don't see how it would be any different from what I'm doing now -- which is leaving the starter tray out on the front porch and bringing it inside if there's the chance of a frost.  

I still have quite a few wildflower seeds left, and I think I might try this type of starter tray for them, filled with regular potting soil.

Maybe by the time they get big enough to plant outside, I'll have that old fire pit dug out and filled with good soil.  If I can ever find the energy to do it.  I went out there yesterday to get started, then turned right around and came back inside.  I was just too tired.

Now for a bit of good news, I definitely have a bud on my bluebonnet!

At least I'll get one bloom out of the mess.  

See that edging there on the right?  The plastic stuff?  Yeah, I'm probably going to pull all of that up, and make a raised bed somewhere else with it. Until I get some fill dirt brought in, that side of my house where this bed is now is just too wet.  I think that may be my problem with the stuff I plant there in the first place.  

But look, my bachelor's button is blooming again.

Finally, some good news.  Well, good news to me.  I'm past the gusset decreases on my sock, and am home free from here on in.

If you knew how much I disliked doing the gussets, you'd understand.  

Oh, I almost forgot, one more thing before I go...a teaser of what is to the tune of Wellerman

Hear what The Weatherman says
We gotta go get the milk and bread
A flashlight and some batteries, too
Oh, heed The Weatherman!

Huddling in a storm shelter with no phone signal make one think of strange things.  And that's all I have to say about that.

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