Friday, December 27, 2019

A Bust

It all started this morning, when I got an email.  Remember, Cody had given me money for a new Seal-A-Meal vacuum sealer, and I'd ordered one.  Alas, the email I received informed me that the sealer I'd ordered was on backorder, and they didn't know when they'd have it in.  That was a bummer.

I cancelled that order, thinking I'd look and see what they had at Walmart when I went into town.  I was hoping to pick up some more lights on clearance, and maybe some cards.  I probably should have gone yesterday, as all they had was one lonely little box of lights.

I quickly adopted them, and now they have a loving forever home.  I looked through the rest of the clearance stuff, and got a new Bumble ornament for my tree.

I also got some snack plates for when we do our Christmas Eve snack table.

They didn't have any dinner plates, or I'd have gotten a couple of those, too.  I have some Christmas dishes around here somewhere.  I just don't know where.  I keep saying I'm going to find them and use them one year, but I don't ever remember I even have them until about halfway through Christmas dinner.

The last thing I picked up was a couple of flannel shirts marked down to $6 each.

James had given me some of his flannel shirts several years ago, but they are heavyweight.  I do wear them on colder days, but I needed something lighter for days when it's just a bit airish.  These ought to fit the bill.

After I got home, on a whim, I decided to drive up to Batesville and check out their Wal-mart.  Unfortunately, their Christmas section was even more picked over than ours was.  No lights, and no cards.  They didn't even have the kind of vacuum sealer I wanted, so that trip was a bust. 

I guess next year, I'm going to have to brave the Boxing Day crowds to get any of the good stuff.  You know what Boxing Day is, don't you?  It's the day everyone boxes up the stuff they didn't want and takes it back to the store to exchange it. 

No, I'm just kidding!  Traditionally, Boxing Day was when the British people gave their servants the day off to celebrate the holiday with their own families.  They would usually give them a small gift, and for some reason, they called it a box.  Now, there are disputes as to how Boxing Day originated, and why it's called that, but what I've told you is the most commonly held belief. 

At least as near as I can figure it.

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