Friday, November 01, 2019

You'd Think I'd Learn

I woke up this morning to a world shimmering with with tiny diamonds on every blade of grass.

Back in the day, we'd say Jack Frost had visited during the night.  Folks don't say that much any more.  I think they should.

The world is a much better place when we add poetry to it.

Unfortunately, the frost -- while pretty to look at -- was tough on what was left of my flower bed.

Tomorrow, I'm going to get out there and pull it all up.

At least that's the plan.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Remember last week when I bought that Peppermint Bark coffee that didn't taste anything like peppermint?  Today when I was in town, I saw this:

You'd think I'd have learned from the last time, but noooo.  I had to give them a second chance.  I shouldn't have.  I made a cup as soon as I got home, and once again, it's just plain coffee.  Not a hint of peppermint flavor.

I don't understand why they'd label it as if it were flavored coffee when it's clearly not.  I also don't understand why they can't flavor it correctly.  Their Caramel Macchiato and French Vanilla flavors are delicious.  In fact, if you make the French Vanilla and add your pumpkin spice creamer to it, it's soooo good.   The vanilla makes the pumpkin spice so much richer. 

So, yesterday, I baited my little live trap and set it out near one of the chipmunk holes.  I checked it when I got up, and it hadn't been tripped.  I checked it again, a couple more times, but still nothing.  Buuuut, when I got home from running my errands in town, I let the dogs out into the back yard.  I noticed they suddenly became very interested in said trap.

Especially Rylea.  She's part hound, so she has those hunting instincts.  I had to physically pull her away from it. 

I chased them off and sure enough...there he was!

This is what has been tearing up my yard!  And my flower beds, and my old Jimmy, and everything else around here.  Kind of makes you wonder how something so cute can be so destructive, but that's what the little buggers are.  I carried the trap out into the woods, and sent the rodent to a land far, far away.  I'll re-set it in the morning, because I'm sure there is more than one. 

Speaking of being in town, I picked up a new pair of leggings on clearance.

And lastly, I'm absolutely addicted to weaving these little squares.

They are so fun and easy to do, but I've got to figure out something to do with them pretty quickly.  They're starting to take over my house. 

I've got to run, now, because Navy plays UConn tonight.  That reminds me, it's a good thing I've been setting my DVR, because last night, I completely forgot about Hallmark's new movie.  I'll be recording tonight's premier as well, because Navy. 


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