Monday, November 11, 2019

Change Of Plans

The plan was to get up this morning and go up to Lowe's in the next town up the road, but you know what they say about the best laid plans. 

See, I've been wanting to get a new Christmas tree for a couple of years now.  Beverly and James gave me theirs when they moved back to Texas in 2015, and it's just too big for my little living room.  Which, ironically enough, is the reason they gave it to me in the first place.  Not that it's too big for my living room, but that it was too big for theirs in their new house. 

It's a gorgeous tree, but I've always had to do some pretty serious furniture rearranging to get it into the corner there.  With my keyboard taking up a huge chunk of space in my living room now, I just don't see how it's going to fit at all.  I still want one that is 7 1/2 feet tall, just not as wide at the base.  I don't like any of the ones I've seen at Walmart.  Thus, the trip to Lowe's. 

However, last last night, my weather apps began sending me warnings that the expected rain would get here much sooner than I'd thought.  A couple of them were even saying the rain would start as early as 9:00 AM.  Most were saying it would get here about noon.  I decided eh, I'd just stay home rather than get out in it.

Wait, what?  Doesn't everybody have 23 weather apps on their phones?  They don't?  Sheesh, no wonder I can't find a husband.  Well, that and the whole not wanting one thing...

Turns out, I could have gone, because it only sprinkled for most of the day.  The rain -- the real rain-- didn't start until around 4:00 PM.  I would have been home long before then.  Oh, well.  It'll give me something to look forward to next weekend.  Which, by the way, due to judicious scheduling of my vacation time, will take place two days from tomorrow.  He he he...I just love two day work weeks!

By the way, look what they have in the forecast for us tonight. 

Snow!  In Mississippi!  In November!  If this global warming keeps up, I might have to break down and buy a parka. 

So, what did I do with my day off, since I didn't go to Lowe's?  Well, I'll tell you.  I wove a bunch more squares.

In the interest of full disclosure, I didn't do all of those today.  I did some yesterday and Saturday while watching football.  Speaking of football, how about that LSU/Alabama game?  Texas won on a last second field goal as well.  Who needs to work out?  I get my heart rate up just watching these games!

Back to today...

I watched cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies and addressed my Christmas cards.   I still have to do the wax stamps, but other than that, they are all ready to be mailed.

I'm really on the ball this year, even though I don't plan on actually mailing them for a couple of weeks.  Some years, I don't get them sent at all.  Having the stamps and sealing wax has made sending cards so much more appealing.  I'm debating on also sending cards to my overseas pen pals.  They've all stopped writing to me, so I don't know if they'd want one or not.  I probably will send them anyway.

Finally, I have heard from a much more reliable source that we are going back to 8 hour shifts when we get back to work after the New Year.  I hope and pray it's true.  Maybe then I won't be feeling so run down all the time, and the blog will get more interesting.

Until then, thank you to my three readers who still visit regularly.  You have no idea how much I appreciate you. 

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