Thursday, April 11, 2019


So, there I was, laying in the bed last night, about to drift off to sleep when I heard the tell-tale sound of a mouse chewing.  In my bathroom.  Now, why -- and what -- it would be chewing on in the bathroom is beyond me, but there it was.

I got up and turned the lights on, making a lot of noise, hoping to scare it off.  It worked, but only for a moment.  After it came back the second time, I went into the utility room and got my mouse poison.

TOMCAT Mouse Killer II 4-oz Mouse Bait Station at

I'd bought some last week after hearing the tell tale sound of chewing in my kitchen.  Since I don't have a cat to worry about eating a poisoned mouse carcass any more, I got the Tomcat brand with the plastic thing you can put the bait inside so the dogs don't get it.

Did that make sense?

I put the stuff inside my vanity, from where it seemed the noise was coming, and went back to bed.  A few minutes later, I thought I heard plastic rattling -- just before I drifted off to sleep.  I haven't checked to see if the bait block has been nibbled on, but I hope that  mouse found it.  And ate it.  And died from it, even though I may have to put up with stinky dead mouse smell for a while.

And here's the thing...I don't even know why I'm telling you that, but I didn't have anything else to blog about.

Want to hear something ironic?

I was scrolling through my Timehop app on my phone, and this old blog post popped up.

What Do People Talk About?

I'm not really a very good conversationalist.  I never know what to talk about.  I've asked some of my chatty friends what they talk to people about, and they tell me, "Oh, talk about anything.  Talk about the weather.  Talk about your kids.  Just talk about anything."

But I've found that you can only say, "Hot enough for you?" so many times before people start wanting to strangle you.  And the whole talking about your kids thing doesn't really work for me.  I find that most people would rather talk about their own kids than hear about mine.

So I stand there and watch people chatting away, talking to each other, while I retreat inside my head and tell myself

Dernt Blernk


That's what people CHEW!! 

over and over and over...

Nobody gets it.  Nobody gets me.

I was pondering this yesterday when the following words popped into my head.

My World 

I live in a world inside my head
With many, many paths to tread
Twists and turns and winding roads.
At times I end up far from home.

If you love me; if you care
Help me find my way from here.
Better yet, come fly with me
For here, with you, I will be free.

Be my anchor, be my guide.
Believe in me and I will fly.
Be my courage, be my strength
And there's no limit to my reach.

Hold my hand, hold my heart
Promise me we'll never part.
Through twists, through turns, through winding roads
I'll finally find my way back home.

P.S. If it's dumb, don't tell me. I don't want to know.

It just seemed fitting to re-run it.

BTW, nobody has guessed what the Whovian surprise in yesterday's video was.  Really, nobody even tried,  (Amy?  Kristine?  Lisa?)   so I'll give you a hint.  Watch the left side of the screen. 


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