Friday, April 05, 2019


Oodalolly, golly what a day.

I knew right away what kind of day it was going to be when I got to work, and my very first order had an adapter tube bent wrong.  I mean, the whole order was bent wrong, not just a single tube.  It was a rather large order, too. 

I put them back into the box and took them to my group leader.  I said, "I've got a present for you."  She replied, "I don't want your presents!"

Oh, wait, that was yesterday...

I knew right way what kind of day it was going to be when I awoke after a good night's sleep, refreshed and ready to face the day.  I rolled over to see how much longer before the alarm went off, and it was 11:30.  PM.  Dang. 

I was torn between "yay, I get to sleep some more" and knowing I wouldn't feel nearly that good when the alarm went off at 3:00, and I had to get up for real.  Sure enough, I didn't.  But I got up and muddled through the day anyway.

I got to work, and checking the computer, I discovered it's Brazing Boss's birthday today.  Oh, well.  Who cares?  Sometime later, Stalker decided he was going to make a sign for him, kind of like I had done with New Supervisor.  Only problem was, he couldn't find anyone who would write so much as Happy Birthday on a piece of paper.

Finally, Group Leader did, but then nobody wanted to sign it.  As one of my fellow brazers said, "Brazing Boss isn't one of us."  As another one said, "Well, I don't really like him, but I signed it anyway."   Stalker kept badgering and nagging people until he got about half the department to sign his card-- even though most of them did it reluctantly.  We were all like, "If we'd wanted to make Brazing Boss a card, we'd have done it ourselves."

All that to say, Stalker kept watching me the whole time.  I told my friend, "Look at him.  He keeps watching to see if I go write something nasty on that sign, the way he did on my sign for New Supervisor.  But I'm not going to do it, because I'm better than that.  I'm not going to sign it, but I'm not going to write anything nasty on it, either."

And I didn't.  Stalker was so hoping to catch me in a gotcha moment, but too bad.  I had to disappoint him.  I'm not going to be petty about it.

I also knew what kind of a day it was going to be when Group Leader came to me and said my line was skipping five orders.  FIVE orders.  They didn't have one of the Vitally Important Parts they needed for those orders, but it was a Vitally Important Part they buy from another supplier, not one we make.  So, there was nothing they could do but home some Vitally Important Parts arrived on the Vitally Important Part Truck.  I don't guess they did, because they ended up sending that line home early.

Moving right along...

I went on another record buying bender last week, and the last of them arrived today.  This is the one I wasn't sure I wanted to get or not, but as you can see, I did.

This might sound sacrilegious to some of you, but I'm not that big a Burl Ives fan.  Still, it's got some familiar folk songs on it.

This one wasn't on the list my brother sent me.  I found it purely by random chance, but as soon as I saw it, I remembered it. 

This may sound sacrilegious to some of you, but I like this version of Country Roads even better than what John Denver sang. 

This one here, I didn't remember at all.   But I took a chance on it.  I haven't listened to it yet, but probably will this weekend.

It's apparently all instrumental. 

Last, but certainly not least, this one is obviously not part of the American folk song series, but given my newfound Scottish ancestry, how could I resist?

I've discovered there are a lot more of those records than I'd originally thought.  I may be buying them up for quite some time to come.

One last thing, I'm going to tell off on one of my coworkers.  He had gotten up and gotten ready for work.  He saw that he had a few minutes to spare, so he sat down in his chair -- just for a minute.  When he woke up, he saw that he was late, so he threw on some shoes and flew down the road to the plant.

It was only after he'd gotten there he discovered he had two different shoes on.  Of course, we had to rag on him about it. 

His only response was, "I'm not sitting in that chair again!" 

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