Friday, December 01, 2017


I am sleepy as all get out. 

That's just another way to say, "Man, I need a nap." 

I didn't sleep well at all last night.  I went to bed at a reasonable hour, and fell asleep almost right away.  Then I dreamed about Matt Lauer.  No, not that kind of a dream.  I dreamed he was in the back of a police car that was hauling him away to prison, which -- if the allegations against him are true -- is exactly where he needs to be. 

My earliest memory of Matt Lauer is from a Rockefeller Center tree lighting show.  He got up and shook his oh so self righteous finger at people who put up real Christmas trees.  They're deforesting the planet, you know.  I got so aggravated, I even wrote a rebuttal on the blog that night.  You can read said rebuttal here:  Hey!  You Got Your Politics In My Holiday!  I didn't even know who he was at the time.  I just called him Talking Head in my post. 

You know they say the first impression is the strongest one, and ever since then, I've not had much use for him. 

But I digress...

After that dream, it took me until after midnight to fall back to sleep.  When you get up at 3:30, that's saying a lot.  I was already sleepy from that, then work was soooo slow.  The line was hardly moving, and it made the entire day seem to go by in slow motion.  It was one of those Will-This-Day-Never-End? days.  The everlasting day finally did come to an end, and I came home, only to do absolutely nothing that I had planned on doing once I got home. 

The only thing that did get done was to put my tree skirt down. 

It isn't even a real tree skirt.  See, my cat thinks any type of cloth on the floor is just another litterbox.  I've been using an acrylic tree skirt that my mother crocheted for Cody years ago, but having to constantly wash it is kind of a pain.  This year, I got the idea to try using a round plastic tablecloth as a skirt.  OK, in the interest of full disclosure, I've had the idea before, but this is the first year I had it early enough to get a tablecloth before they were all sold out.  I figure if she pees on this, a wipe with a paper towel and a spritz of Lysol and we're done.  We'll see how it works out.

I had a brief moment of panic when I thought, "Oh no!  I need to take a bath and go to bed!  It must be way past my bedtime!"  I turned around and looked at the clock.  It was 5:17.  Sigh...

Somewhere in the midst of all this, I asked myself, "Why in the world did I agree to go in to work tomorrow????" 

Then, I remembered, "Oh, yeah.  I'm broke." 

I guess I'd better head for bed, then.  Man, I need a nap. 

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