Saturday, December 16, 2017

Christmas Baking

The plan was to get up this morning and get started with my Christmas baking.  I want to have it all done before I leave for Texas.

Oh, yeah, I didn't tell you.  I'm going home for Christmas!  I haven't been there in ages and ages.  I know you're probably all tired of hearing about my trip to Missouri, but that trip had a big part in my decision to go home.  Once I'd crossed into Arkansas, I was driving along, and I'm telling you, it just felt sooo good to be West of The Mississippi again.  When Beverly texted me and suggested I come visit...well, I thought about it.  And decided no, I couldn't afford to board the dogs, and what was I going to do with the cat?

But it felt soo good to be West of The Mississippi again.

And I thought about all the work I could get done on the house while I was off, so no, I needed to stay home.  I have so much that needs to be done around here, I don't have the time to make a trip to Texas. 

But it felt soo good to be West of The Mississippi again. 

And I thought about how much I love being in my own house for Christmas, and my traditional Christmas breakfast, and my Christmas Eve snacks that I make year after year after year, and how I always watch The Nativity Story...

But it felt soo good to be West of The Mississippi again...

So, I called the vet and made arrangements for the dogs, and came up with a plan for the cat and texted Beverly back and said, "I'm coming!" 

And I can't wait to be West of The Mississippi again!

Which brings us to today.  The plan was to get up and get my Christmas baking started, so I can have it done before I leave for Texas.  You know what they say about the best laid plans. 

I was tossing some laundry into the dryer, when I noticed Squeaky in the litter pan.  She was straining and straining, but nothing was coming out.  Over the next couple of hours, she'd stop and squat, but wouldn't be able to pass anything.  Yep, she's constipated.  I'm pretty sure it's age related, even though it's more common in older male cats.

Off to PetMD I went for advice.  The first thing they said was to switch the cat to wet food.  Oh, great.  I just bought a 13 lb bag of dry food.  Not to be outdone, I made my own wet food by soaking her dry food in chicken broth until it turned to mush.  The website also said to add canned pumpkin to the food to increase her fiber intake and help soften her stools.  I opened a can I had in the pantry and stirred it into the soft food I'd made.  She now has a large butter tub full of wet food in the fridge all ready for her.  She's already eaten some of it.

I also noticed she was in the back yard trying to eat grass.  Unfortunately, since it's winter, all the grass is dead.  After checking the local Wal-mart to see if they had any, I went onto Amazon and ordered that cat grass you can buy

It's supposed to arrive on Monday.  Maybe it'll start growing before I leave so she can nibble on it and get her bowels moving again. 

After all that, and worrying about my cat, I just didn't feel like baking anything.  However, now that I hopefully have her on the right track, I can do some baking tomorrow. 

I'll let you know how that goes.

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