Thursday, June 05, 2008


I hate shopping for clothes.

I think it's the fashions these days. We don't have much of a choice. I'm a bit old for the teenage hooker look. Yet I'm not quite ready for the cotton housedress either.

Why do I bring this up? I'm down to two wearable pairs of shorts. I need some more, but face it, no one wants to see this body in skin tight lowriders. But that's all I can find nowadays.

Unless I head over to the plus sizes, which will fall off of me.

Sigh, it may be time to break out the ol' sewing machine again.


Knit and fall back in it said...

Yeah, you pretty much have to have the figure of a crack ho to wear most of the shorts available this summer.

Inquiries said...

LOL! You make me laugh Becky. But I understand.

I have seen some ok women shorts. You just have to search. Kohl's is where I found my summer shorts. Not teenage hooker shorts either.

Tabitha said...

ROTFL. Teenage hooker shorts. That is the perfect definition of the current fashion trends. I have been calling them Britney shorts.

Opal said...

Love the phrase "teenage hooker look". :-)

Bag Blog said...

I had a black student years ago that told me she could not wait for summer so she could wear her "hoochified" clothes. I was awed.

Like Ashley said, more modest clothes are out there, it just takes some serious searching.

Becky G said...

Thanks for the comments. I think you will all be happy to note that I did indeed find some shorts that are actually longer than my underwear, and my legs have room to breathe. They were on the clearance rack at Wal-Mart!

Buck said... that all y'all have (ahem) weighed in... it might be time for a male POV.

I like the teen-aged hooker "look." Even on Rubenesque women. Maybe even especially on Rubenesque women.

But that's just me. ;-)

Becky G said...

Buck, Buck, Buck, what am I going to do with you? Yeah, it figures a MAN would like the teenaged hooker look, but frankly, when you put that look on a woman over 40, it just makes her look desperate. Or trashy. Take your pick.

Unknown said...

I totally sympathize with your situation. And I *am* plus sized, simply because I'm 5'10" and overweight, so naturally big girls need bigger things. And I'm just a little younger than you, so I feel your pain, as it's difficult for me to find decent stuff either. Due to my height and weight (even though that doesn't sound like it's as much of a problem for you as it is me), there are some decent shorts and cropped pants (like capris) and such at the following places that I like-- classic, not Daisy Dukes (as I always have known them as)--,,, and I just went to a Coldwater Creek store for the first time about two weeks ago, and took advantage of a sale of cropped pants, because they are allowed at work. I dropped a lot of money, but everything was well made, classic yet comfy, playful yet not too dowdy. I like to think I'm still relatively young, but as you said, not ready for the moo-moo yet. Check those sites out, and you might find a few things. And if you are like me, it'll be worth paying a little extra, because you'll wear them until they fall apart in about 10 years (and even then, they still won't have fallen apart). Good luck!