Monday, June 30, 2008

The Backside Of The Year

Today is the last day of June. The year is half over. Solstice is past and the days begin to grow shorter. Imperceptibly at first. Then one day you look out the window and realize that it is dark at a time when a month ago, the sun would still be shining.

Though there are still two long, miserably hot months to endure, the backside of the year brings with it a hope. Hope that is the promise of Autumn.

It is the hope of cooler weather. Crisp, clear days and chilly nights. The first frost.

It is over the river and through the woods. A cheery fire crackling upon the hearth. It's hot chocolate with marshmallows. It's that smell in the air that only Autumn can bring.

My birthday. Celebrating the joy of being alive in this magical world. Thankful for the gift of another year.

Football. Harvest. Thanksgiving.


The trees exult in one final dance before the evening shadows fade into the night that is winter.

The leaves, one by one, let go and swirl in eddies of wind before settling to the earth, where they crunch and crackle underfoot. And nature drifts off to sleep.

It's a wondrous and wonderful time, this backside of the year.


Junk Diva said...

I was just saying today " I am ready for fall" .

Opal said...

Mmm. Football. Can't come soon enough for me!

Bag Blog said...

I love every season, but usually byt the end of the season, I am ready for the new season.

Knit and fall back in it said...

I am also a big fan of the backside of the year.

Buck said...

Ah, yes: autumn. Harbinger of winter, when the ponds ice over and every single kid in Canada (and a lot in New England, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Dakota, et al) laces up their skates and drops the puck for the first time that year... with dreams of hoisting the Stanley Cup over their heads...

And the NHL season begins in October!! Yes! Bring it ON! ;-)

Becky G said...

JD, I hear ya! And summer's just barely started.

Opal, me neither!

Lou, I'm just the opposite. I wish each season would last just a bit longer. Except summer. It can't end soon enough for me.

Amy, it's wonderful, isn't it?

Buck, didn't hockey season just end? And we have to go through it again so soon!?! ;D