"I'm only painting a little bit," I said.
"I don't need to drag out the paint sprayer for this," I said.
"I'll just use a brush, since it's such a small amount," I said.
Why oh why did I listen to myself? I'm feeling it today, I'm telling ya. I'm definitely going to dig out the paint sprayer to do the rest, but first I'll have to buy a longer extension cord. I've got a 50', but it won't be long enough to get that back corner, so I'll get a 100' cord when I go shopping Friday. That ought to reach.
They let us go home at 1:00 again today, and as I was clocking out, I told my coworker, "I could get used to this. Working 5:00 to 1:00-- we get an full 8 hour shift, then we get off early enough to still feel like we have a day." I actually feel like I have time to do stuff this way. Except that I didn't.
Not today.
I sat out in my chair for a little bit, then came inside and put the other one together. Chair, I mean.
Now I'm all ready for a weenie roast. I might even splurge on some of those really expensive sugar free marshmallows and roast one. I've been hitting the sugar a bit too hard lately, so I need to cut back for a while -- or exercise a lot more, one. Today was one of the brazers' birthday, and another coworker brought cupcakes. She offered me one, and I said, "I really should say no, but I do want one." They were small cupcakes...
Sharp eyed readers may notice I moved the firepit and chairs over a bit. I got worried having it right under that big oak tree, because it's got a lot of dead limbs and I'd hate for one to drop on my new stuff and ruin it. Eventually, I want to put my little patio -- along with the firepit and two chairs -- back in that corner in the right side of the photo, but I'm going to need to get someone to bring some fill dirt, because it's pretty low right there. It gets super spongy every time it rains.
Or maybe I'll just leave it where it sets, and build my patio there. Either way, I'm probably going to pay someone to level the ground and put the stones in. I'm getting too old to be manhandling all this stuff.
By the way, I bumped into Supervisor Greenjeans today, and he told me he'd put in 318 tomato plants. My first thought was, what does he do with all of those tomatoes? But I didn't say anything...but, "Dude! Bring me some 'maters!"
I think I've mentioned before that I was thinking about trying some tomatoes myself this year, now that I don't have a dog to pee all over the plants. Or if we keep getting Saturdays off, maybe I can go to the Farmer's Market on the square -- but that's not as fun as growing them yourself.
So, SG has planted tomatoes and potatoes so far, and my friend Marcy has already started some 400 seeds...and I'm just sitting here thinking I ought to do something...but haven't yet. I haven't even planted those bluebonnet seeds I found in the freezer.
Maybe I'll get to that this weekend, too...
And finally, I got up bright and early this morning and was walking down the hall to the kitchen when I saw something that in the dim light and without my glasses looked suspiciously like a dog poop. How can that be, when I no longer have a dog?
I turned on the light, bent way over, and saw it was a dead vole. The Incarnation of Evil brought another vole into the house. You'd think as many as she's killed, they'd be nearly gone, but no. There are still tunnels all over my back yard.
The Incarnation of Evil and I are now having a long talk about her job performance.