Saturday, February 01, 2025

Got 'Er Done

Whelp, today was the big day.  "What day was that?" you ask.  

Why it was the day I defrosted and cleaned my deep freeze!  

Don't envy me my exciting life. 

But anyway, as you can see, it desperately needed it.  

The frost on the sides had gotten so bad, it was probably about 3" thick, and I'd spilled some blueberries and something that looks suspiciously like soup in the bottom of it. The good news is, I was able to cram all of the snake food into my small freezer and since there was no need to rush for fear of anything thawing, I just let it sit open until those big chunks of ice loosened up and fell off.  Then I tossed them out into the back yard, where they still haven't completely melted.  

Yes, the freezer does have a drain, but I didn't use it.  I didn't want to deal with mopping up a mess, so I got out my shop vac and vacuumed up the rest of the crud in the bottom. 

A good wipe-down with a damp cloth and we have a nice, shiny clean freezer once again. 

I plugged it back in, gave it a couple of hours to get cold again, and all that snake food is once again nestled into the bottom of the deep freeze.  That is what I bought it for in the first place, after all.  Snake food.  

As I said, don't envy me my exciting life...

But look at what I found that was still in there. 

What is that?  I'm so glad you asked.  It's sleet from the big ice storm of 2021.  Now, wait a minute, hear me out...I'd wanted so badly to make snow ice cream that year, but alas, as usual we didn't get any snow.  Just a bunch of sleety mess.  Not one to be easily daunted, I collected a bunch of the aforementioned sleety mess and tried to make sleet ice cream. 

It didn't work.  

I eventually gave up and threw it all out, except this bag of sleet, which I somehow overlooked.  Maybe someday we'll once again get enough real snow to make snow ice cream, but for now, all I can do is watch and wait...

The other big project I undertook was to finally do something with this scarf. 

I'd knit this way back in 2012, and never liked how it turned out.  It was supposed to be a garter rib, but the stitches weren't balanced enough and no matter how severely I blocked it, the thing just wouldn't stop curling.  Not only that, I wasn't all that fond of the yarn I'd knit it out of, which was Knit Picks Imagination.  It was pretty enough, but was fuzzy, and splitty, and not a joy to knit. 

After leaving it in limbo for far too long, it was time to do something about it, so off to the frog pond it went.  That wasn't fun, either.  Remember the fuzz I talked about earlier?  Yeah, every couple of rows, I had to stop and loosen the yarn from the entanglement of the fuzz.  

It was very frustrating, and I had to take a lot of breaks, but eventually I got 'er done.  I ended up with three small hanks, which I knew there'd be at least two, because the scarf took more than one hank to knit to begin with.  Then I added the yarn I had leftover from knitting the matching hat. 

It is now soaking in a bowl of water until the kinks loosen up.  

And finally, someone is getting a letter. 

 I used my new little wax melter, and frankly I wasn't impressed.  It took forever to melt the wax, and it didn't turn out smooth and flowing at all.  I think it's because it was made for a 220 volt electricity system, which we have 120 volts here.   That may be why it takes so long.  But it was cheap, and it'll do, especially if I start buying the higher quality wax, once I'm through using up the cheap stuff.   I'll just melt my wax over a candle until then.  

I mean, if I can find some pen pals that live in the U.S, that is.  I have a pen pal in Australia, but don't trust the international mail with wax seals.  I don't really trust USPS with them, either, but I'm more willing to wing it here. 

I guess that's all for today.  I hope you've enjoyed this ride through my wild and crazy life.  Now if you'll excuse me, I'm watching a documentary on the Black Plague. 

My exciting life, and all...

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